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Country code issue with some APS with Latin america country code

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  • 1.  Country code issue with some APS with Latin america country code

    Posted May 08, 2013 10:52 PM

    Hello just to let you know guys or Latin american fewllows that we got issues with the country code on some APS



    AP93 Which was fixed as i informed about that bug a month ago

    But now i got a rap 109 and a AP93H it happened the same... but those are not fixed....

    I tried a few Country codes of latin america like PA, CO and didn work... the aps goes up as air monitor intead of APs...


    As workAround im using Canadian country code....


    Anyways its just information so if someone get the same problem knows whats the problem and how to work around while Aruba launch a new firmwre that fix it...