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  • 1.  CP-VA-500 using Flexible Adapter

    Posted Mar 03, 2015 05:37 PM

    We noticed today that our oldest Clearpass VM is using a Flexible network adapter. This server was setup before me or my sys admin were employed at our company. 


    Would it break our server to change this to VMXNET3 adapter type to enable our 10G connection? Apparently this is disered for faster migration, but also I have been informed that this 'flexible' adapter is halting migration of this VM to a newer host. 


    We foudn this strange because we have a newer clearpass VM that we setup about 2 or 3 weeks ago as a means to expand our licenses. This newer server was setup on e1000 adpater by default. Since this server doesn't service anyone we changed it to the VMXNET3 adapter and haven't noticed an issue.


    I guess my question is. What, if anything, will break if we change the adapter type on our current production Clearpass VM to VMXNET3?  


    A side question being, is there any reason that can be thought of that this server was setup with a flexible adapater? 

  • 2.  RE: CP-VA-500 using Flexible Adapter
    Best Answer

    Posted Mar 04, 2015 12:10 AM

    Depending on the age of the VM (pre cppm 6.3) it will likely break. The version of vmware tools packaged with the VM will not have the drivers to support the later VMWARE virtual ethernet NIC's you want to use.


    I'd suggest for the old VM you look at depllying a new VM and backup/restore.


    Note: New VM's should automatically use VMXNET3 drivers for their ethernet interfaces.

  • 3.  RE: CP-VA-500 using Flexible Adapter

    Posted Mar 04, 2015 01:30 PM

    Thanks for your help. 


    I haven't gone out and looked yet, so it may be easily available, but, are there any white paper/tech notes on restoring from a backup?


    Is everything within the backup including Clearpass Guest?



    I am of course assuming you mean the backup from Administration > Server Manager > Server Configuration > Backup

  • 4.  RE: CP-VA-500 using Flexible Adapter

    Posted Mar 04, 2015 04:44 PM

    The BACKUP/RESTORE is everything from the box, some items are NOT restored.....


    * Server Certificate
    * Licenses
    * System configuration (hostname, AD membership)
    * Network configuration (IP Addresses, routes, DNS entries)