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  • 1.  CPPM Endpoint Repository

    Posted Jul 17, 2018 04:17 AM


    I am asking myself about the cleanup intervals in CPPM Clusterwide Parameter.

    What does the option  'Expired guest accounts cleanup interval'  clean up?

    Is it only the guest account in Guest Module or does this also delete the entry in endpoint database?



  • 2.  RE: CPPM Endpoint Repository

    Posted Jul 17, 2018 10:30 AM

    This indicates the number of days after expiry that the cleanup occurs.

    A value of 0 specifies no expired guest accounts cleanup interval. The default value is 365 days.


    This is seperate from the endpoint cleanup, please note the difference between known and unknown endpoints:


    Unknown entries are deleted based on the last Updated At value for each Endpoint. 


    Known entries are deleted based on the last Added At value for each Endpoint. For example, if this value is 7, then known Endpoints that do not have the Added At value within the last 7 days are deleted.

  • 3.  RE: CPPM Endpoint Repository

    Posted Jul 18, 2018 01:11 AM

    Ok, that is the description mentioned in the documentation.

    I understand there expired guest accounts are deleted only and t here is no reference to endpoint database.




    So known endpoints are cleaned up regarding the added at date. So there is no chance to clean up known endpoints which was not authenticated since a specific date? For example clean up all endpoints which was not connected to the network for more than one year.

    Ist this possible with any of these options?

    For my opinion "added at" ist just updated once, at first connection?