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  • 1.  CPPM Initial Licensing with CP-HW-500

    Posted Mar 04, 2016 01:30 PM


    After 2 weeks of training I'm stuck in the initial licensing of the CP-HW-500

    (maybe I've been in a coffee break during the explanation of that stuff at the training...)


    I did the initial setup of the appliance without an internet connection.

    Then I did a gracefully shutdown of the appliance and integrated it into the customer network.

    I'm using the management and the dataport in 2 differnet subnets.


    Now the appliance is connected with internet access, I can connect to the management IP with a browser and can see the CPPM launch page, but when I try to start the CPPM Policy Manager I'm forwarded to a page where I only can add an activation key and it says: "To continue, please enter the product license key".


    How do I get this key - what went wrong?


    Sorry for the "newbie" question - I've read a bunch of manuals and articles without a hint for this...


    Thanks in advance for your support!





  • 2.  RE: CPPM Initial Licensing with CP-HW-500

    Posted Mar 04, 2016 03:16 PM

    A subscription key does need to be pasted into the appliance before you can do anything.


    If you did not put it in, you have 90 days to activate it.  If for some reason the date has been changed, that could be why it is asking you for a Subscription ID.  Please see here:



  • 3.  RE: CPPM Initial Licensing with CP-HW-500

    Posted Mar 05, 2016 12:58 PM


    Many thanks for your fast reply.

    I did the initial install of the CPPM appliance yesterday and have checked the date with "show date" i n the CLI now twice - it is correct (and was correct during the initial setup phase - I have a screenshot...).


    I never saw a page with the possibility to activate the appliance online or offline.


    I have received subscription keys for additional Enterprise Endpoint licences (2xLIC-CP-EN-100), but I did not receive a license key from our distributor for the Clearpass Policy Manager Application.

    Should this be part of the delivery of the CP-HW-500 appliance?


    Sorry - I'm still somewhat confused.




  • 4.  RE: CPPM Initial Licensing with CP-HW-500
    Best Answer

    Posted Mar 05, 2016 02:15 PM



    You should have a certificate which is used on our licensing system to generate your CPPM base license. This would have been sent to the partner/customer initially.


    Who is the customer and I'll see if i can find the appropriate license.

  • 5.  RE: CPPM Initial Licensing with CP-HW-500

    Posted Mar 07, 2016 05:09 AM



    The problem ist fixed!


    Our distributor accidently did not deliver the following necessary License - which I received a few minutes ago:


    Aruba Part Number:




    The ClearPass Deployment Guide ist not very accurate in this detail I think.


    BEFORE you get to the Online/Offline Activation screen shown in the guide you must have entered the licensing key which you will get when you activate the above license with the delivered Certificate-ID in the licensing portal with a new subscription Key.


    Now everything is perfect - I could now sucessfully activate the CPPM Appliance.


    Many thanks for your fast support!


    Manfred M.


  • 6.  RE: CPPM Initial Licensing with CP-HW-500

    Posted Mar 04, 2016 08:15 PM

    Hi Manfred,


    License key is a must in order to get to the policy manager and start the magic. The aruba licensing portal should be you first stop to get a license key. Assuming you have a certificate ID sent to you from you VAR/Distribution, you may plug the CertID into and get yourself the key to use for the policy manager.


    Hope this helps.
