According to Danny Jumps profiling tech note, it is possible unless I am not understanding what he has written on the last page of the document.
From Danny's doc......:
Manual Profile API: This API allows an admin to manually profile a given endpoint to specific device category, device family and device name. By manually profile, we mean ASSIGN the required classification to the device. This can be anything you want. Below I assign a family of ‘Future-iPhone’ under the SmartDevice category, then I call the Phone an iPhone20 to demonstrate the power of the API’s
Method: POST
URL: /async_netd/deviceprofiler/endpoints
Value :
{"mac" : " ",
"device" : {
"category": " ",
"family": " ",
"name": ""
danny-jump:~ djump$ curl -X POST -u apiadmin:arubans123 -H
"Content-Type: application/json" -k -d '{"mac": "00000
0000013", "device": {"category": "SmartDevice", "family": "Future-iPhone", "name":
<title>200 OK</title>
<h1>200 OK</h1>
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