I have a requirement to add a field to the sponsor confirmation form. Not in the email sent to sponsors but in the webpage where they select confirm or reject, as well as optionally selecting an expiration (if Account Overrides are enabled).
The requirement is to have a "Sponsor Approval Reason" field in that form, where the sponsor adds justification on the account confirmation page. I created a custom textarea field called "sponsor_approval_reason". If I add this field to the receipt form, it also shows up on the sponsor confirmation form automatically. Text entered in that field on the sponsor confirmation form however does not appear to be processed by the form submit function on the backend, because text entered in that field does not get written to the database or show up when viewing the account attributes. Make note I also added that field in the registration form as a hidden field. If I set an initial value for that field, of make the field editable on the registration page, text entered there does get saved to the account, but text entered on the confirmation page does not.
I understand the entire form can be overridden for the sponsor confirmation page, but I don't believe this would solve the issue at hand, I believe the content of that field is being sent when the form is posted, but the back end function is not writing it to the database.
If there any way to accomplish this? Is this an enhancement request? This is on ClearPass 6.7.7