I am new to IMC (7.1) and i'm attempting to setup an alarm for failed power supplies on HP switches. Per this link (http://www.netopscommunity.net/forums/-/message_boards/message/114533) I setup a syslog alarm but it is not working. My syslog entries look like this:
<12> Nov 6 15:44:46 00071 chassis: ST1-CMDR: Power Supply failure: Supply: 2, Failures: 4
And here is my current alarm settings:
Syslog Type Any
Syslog Level Emergency Alert Critical Error Warning Notification Informational Debugging
Repeat Interval (second) 1
Repeat Times (Times) 1
Alarm Level Critical
Alarm Description %Syslog%
Forward to SCC No
Syslog Template *chassis:* Power Supply failure*
Param Setting Total Items: 0.
I have restarted the imcfaultdm service on the service to recache the alarms (I found this information online somehwere). Yet when I simulated a failure it does not generate a alarm. Any advice?