I have a customer with Amigopod 3.9 installed and working for guest self provisioning by sponsor email approval.
When guest register and put sponsor email, sponsor gets email request with link to activate. It is working as it is.
Default expire time set to 24hrs. Customer wants to have a option to change expiration time when approving request.
Pages in question are
guest_register.php - Guest self register page
guest_register_confirm.php - Sponsor approval page opens by link in email
guest_register_receipt.php - Guest receipt page
Issues I have are;
1. Page sponsor open with link on email is "guest_register_confirm" but this is not listed in "Customize Forms & Views" section where we can edit forms. When I add "expire_time" field as Date/time picker on guest_register_receipt form it will display on both sponsor confirm page as well as guest receipt page. We want expire time on date/time picker or drop down list (never display) on sponsor page and static on guest receipt page. Also even sponsor change expire time, it will not change actual field value and stay remain in default 24hr period.
2. Changed default value of expire_time filed but it won't effect on guest. All new guests having same 24hr default value.
Only way to change expiration time is login to Amigopoad as admin or operator and change it manually.
Thanks in advance