I am trying to configure an Aruba CX switch to send SNMPv3 Inform Requests, but the device doesn't send any data to the SNMP trap receiver (verified by tcpdump)
ArubaOS-CX Version : Virtual.10.10.0002
I can generate SNMPv3 traps however. What is the trick to make CX devices send Informs, instead of Traps?
Is there also a way to force the CX to generate an SNMP warmstart trap?
snmp-server trap configuration-changes
snmp-server vrf default
snmp-server trap-source interface 1/1/1 vrf default
snmp-server trap snmp authentication coldstart warmstart vrf default
snmp-server view SNMPV3_ALL iso included
snmp-server system-location Lab
snmp-server system-contact Arne
snmpv3 user SNMPV3_RO_NETMON auth sha auth-pass ciphertext AQBapbVbCcq6qiELSYUwonjd9b6rzAQugfpBEQyIJs1uwfDjHgAAAIB5QOgvsQdNyOpIj7LMQC9aYaCf66KibTXMZLiz4w== priv aes priv-pass ciphertext AQBapSmAKqQqhd3ErJNuje06E6xXOkHFU14EkLCBC0/S2ZqKHgAAACFwX/fm9ES8z/faeHAwTNC5zapZ1mgiwKsKa1C5bw==
snmp-server host inform version v3 user SNMPV3_RO_NETMON
snmpv3 user SNMPV3_RO_NETMON view SNMPV3_ALL
As an aside, I was able to generate SNMPv3 Informs on the Aruba 8.6 Mobility Controller.
My SNMP trap receiver is the Net-SNMP snmptrapd version 5.9.1