Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Deployment suggestion

    Posted Dec 08, 2018 06:01 PM

    Hi community,

    I have to propose an architecture to deploy a WiFi Enterprise Network.
    Customer is going to deploy 300 APs and prefers to deploy wifi controller appliances instead of virtual controllers
    The deployment of the controllers should work in active/active mode or active/standby
    What architecture is the most appropriate for this deployment?, I want to decide what AOS to use (AOS 6 or AOS 8). Is still possible to buy controllers with AOS 6?


  • 2.  RE: Deployment suggestion

    Posted Dec 08, 2018 08:52 PM
    You should figure out what access points they will be using, because they have minimum firmware levels. You can use either ArubaOS 6.x or 8.x to satisfy your requirements, because all 7000 series controllers that can support 300 access points can run on 6.x. You should always double check the datasheet, however.

  • 3.  RE: Deployment suggestion

    Posted Dec 09, 2018 06:24 AM
    I would preferrably look at ArubaOS8. Advantages like automatic AP and client load-balancing and live upgrades are very usefull and AOS 8 pretty stable.

    The hierarchy configuration with Mobility Masters is also a big PRO.

    AOS 8 also gives you the best support for Dynamic Segmentation when you would like to be value-added for the customer and talk to them about technologies like User Based Tunneling.

    I only advise and use AOS 8 these days.

  • 4.  RE: Deployment suggestion

    Posted Dec 10, 2018 12:14 PM

    Thanks for your reply pals.
    We have decided to deploy a scheme based on AOS 8.
    We are deploying 256 access points model AP-325.
    The controller/AP solution must support 15,000 concurrent devices and it should incude WIPS service.
    The controller solution should be depoyed with High Availability, so I think the architecture should be like this:


    01 Primary Mobility Master Virtual Appliance
    01 Backup Mobility Master Virtual Appliance
    01 7210 Mobility Controller Hardware Appliance
    01 7210 Mobility Controller Redundant Hardware Appliance
    256 AP-325
    256 LIC-AP
    256 LIC-PEF
    256 LIC-RFP
    256 WebCC subscription E-STU


    We are going to deploy a cluster conformed by: Primary and Backup Mobility master and both 7210 Hardware Appliances.

    I have some doubts:


    01.What Mobility Master Virtual Appliance is the most appropriate?. When selecting the MM models and capacities I found these variables: "Number of devices", "Number of clients", "Number of controllers". Is it ok to assume this: devices= APs, clients=wireless devices?. I do not know what model of VMM to select to meet customer requirement.

    02. What is the advantage of including  LIC-7210-PEFV? and what is the difference with LIC-PEF?

    03. When including LIC-AP, LIC-PEF, LIC-RFP and LIC-VIA in the MM configuration, you do not have to include those licenses in the 7210 Controller configuration (in order to avoid doubling the number of licenceses neede), right?.

    04. The only licences that are related only for Controller appliance (not for MM) are LIC-7xxx-PEFV and WebCC, right?



  • 5.  RE: Deployment suggestion

    Posted Dec 10, 2018 01:36 PM
      |   view attached

    Thanks for your answer pals.
    We have decided o use AOS 8.
    We are proposing the followig:

    • 01 Primary MM Virtual Appliance
    • 01 Backup MM Virtual Appliance
    • 01 7210 Mobility Controller Hardware Appliance (Managed Device 1)
    • 01 7210 Mobility Controller Redundant Hardware Appliance (Managed Device 2)
    • 256 AP-325
    • 256 LIC-AP
    • 256 LIC-PEF

    I have some questions:

    1. If we configure LIC-AP and LIC-PEF in the MM, we do not have to duplicate the same licenses in the Mobility Controller Hardware Appliance, right?, otherwise we would have included twice the number of licenses needed.
    2. Only for controller configuration I can see LIC-71XX-PEFV, what is the difference with LIC-PEF and what is its added value?
    3. For Mobility Master (MM) licenses I can see the following variables (see the attachment): "Number of devices", "Number of clients" and "Number of controller". Is it correct to asume: devices=APs, clients=wireless devices (laptops, cellphones, tablets, etc) ?. I need to deploy a solution that supports scaling to 20,000 concurrent wireless devices.


  • 6.  RE: Deployment suggestion

    Posted Dec 09, 2018 06:24 AM
    I would preferrably look at ArubaOS8. Advantages like automatic AP and client load-balancing and live upgrades are very usefull and AOS 8 pretty stable.

    The hierarchy configuration with Mobility Masters is also a big PRO.

    AOS 8 also gives you the best support for Dynamic Segmentation when you would like to be value-added for the customer and talk to them about technologies like User Based Tunneling.

    I only advise and use AOS 8 these days.

  • 7.  RE: Deployment suggestion

    Posted Dec 10, 2018 01:51 PM

    Thanks for your reply pals.
    We have decided to deploy a scheme based on AOS 8.
    We are deploying 256 access points model AP-325.
    The controller/AP solution must support 20,000 concurrent devices
    The controller solution should be depoyed with High Availability, so I think the architecture should be like this:

    01 Primary Mobility Master Virtual Appliance
    01 Backup Mobility Master Virtual Appliance
    01 7210 Mobility Controller Hardware Appliance
    01 7210 Mobility Controller Redundant Hardware Appliance
    256 AP-325
    256 LIC-AP
    256 LIC-PEF
    256 LIC-RFP
    256 WebCC subscription E-STU

    The are going to deploy a cluster conformed by: Primary and Backup Mobility master and two 7210 Hardware Appliances.

    I have some doubts:

    01.What Mobility Master Virtual Appliance is the most appropriate?. When selecting the MM models and capacities I found these variable (see the attachment): "Number of devices", "Number of clients" and "Number of controller". Is it correct to asume: devices=APs, clients=wireless devices (laptops, cellphones, tablets, etc) ?. I need to deploy a solution that supports scaling to 20,000 concurrent wireless devices.

    02. What is the advantage of including  LIC-7210-PEFV? and what is the difference with LIC-PEF?

    03. If we configure LIC-AP, LIC-PEF and LIC-RPF in the MM, we do not have to duplicate the same licenses in the Mobility Controller Hardware Appliance, right?, otherwise we would have included twice the number of licenses needed.
