Wireless Access

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  • 1.  DFS channels

    Posted Oct 14, 2018 04:06 AM


      I always avoid activating DFS channels. Now, our new campus will be 3000 employees with 390 APs and my boss want me to activate DFS channels. Any thoughts? Is it a good idea to turn it on? do all end devices now days support DFS? 

    Note: the new campus is NOT close to any airport. 

    Thanks in advance. 

  • 2.  RE: DFS channels

    Posted Oct 14, 2018 04:33 AM

    You would need to assess what devices are on your campus and make that determination.  Many people use the website here (this is not an official endorsement): https://clients.mikealbano.com/ to determine what clients support what channels.  Most customers I know at least utilize some DFS channels because all Apple devices support it.  Radar from Airports is not the only type of radar you need to look out for.  Weather radar is also possible and can be quite transient.  You can use the Aruba Utilities android app to determine if there can be radar in your area:  https://community.arubanetworks.com/t5/Aruba-Apps/Aruba-Utilities-App-and-known-radar-locations/m-p/406827

  • 3.  RE: DFS channels

    Posted Oct 14, 2018 05:37 PM

    Typically, I don't activate DFS channel because when you have a problem because of it, it is hard to find and T-shot. Now, any other opinion would be helpful specially from people who have used it for a while. 

    Thanks in advanc. 

  • 4.  RE: DFS channels

    Posted Oct 14, 2018 05:39 PM

    It would be interesting to hear other people's opinons.


    All radar events show up in the wireless log, as well as in the "show ap arm history ap-name" output.

  • 5.  RE: DFS channels

    Posted Oct 15, 2018 04:04 AM

    Just thought i'd share this, if you do need to find out if there is any nearby radar locations you can also use this tool. Select Band C under filtering options and zoom in to your location, then click on any nearby radar stations :)




  • 6.  RE: DFS channels

    Posted Aug 28, 2019 12:33 PM

    That link only for the EU? could not see anything in the US