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  • 1.  dhcp-server static-bind and time

    Posted Feb 04, 2021 06:26 PM
    Edited by rford1219 Feb 04, 2021 06:27 PM

    I am currently going through our network and setting up our switches to be the DHCP Server.
    So far it is going good, but I have two questions/ issues I am working with.

    The first is that the VoIP phones are not picking up the right date. The time is correct, just
    not the day and each is different. If I have things setup right, the phones should be checking
    with the switch then the switch checks with our NTP device. I am using option 42 in the
    dhcp-server config as well.

    This is what I have as far as that goes that might affect it:

    timesync ntp
    sntp unicast
    sntp server priority 1 X.X.X.X
    ntp unicast
    ntp server-name "ntp.Device.com"
    ntp enable
    time daylight-time-rule continental-us-and-canada
    time timezone -480

    The next is a question about setting up the static-bind pool. My understanding is that I need one
    for each device that will be a static IP. This is what the pool looks like:

    dhcp-server pool "Voice"
    default-router "X.X.X.X"
    dns-server "X.X.X.X"
    domain-name "name.com"
    lease 08:00:00
    network X.X.X.X X.X.X.X
    option 42 ip "X.X.X.X"
    option 156 ascii "ftpservers=X.X.X.X, country=1, language=1, layer2tagging=1, VlanID=X"
    range X.X.X.X X.X.X.X

    This is what I have for the static-bind pool. I am not sure if I NEED the authoritative, .
    DNS and default-router though. I don't think I do, but I am not 100% sure:

    dhcp-server pool "Device_Name"
    default-router "X.X.X.X"
    lease infinite
    static-bind ip X.X.X.X XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX mac XXXXXX-XXXXXX
    dns-server "X.X.X.X,X.X.X.X"

    The IP for the static-bind is an IP in the range I specified in the Voice pool. I am also using
    the following for the dhcp-server:

    dhcp-server ping timeout 3
    dhcp-server database file "path to where the database is going to write"

    I have also tried using option 4 for the phones, but on our server, it was setup with option 42. Either way that has not seemed to help either and I am not sure what I am missing.

  • 2.  RE: dhcp-server static-bind and time

    Posted Feb 08, 2021 06:03 PM
    Edited by rford1219 Feb 08, 2021 06:48 PM
    I resolved the issue with the timing, I added a second NTP server to option 42.

    I am struggling with the static-bind though. I removed the last 30 IPs from my range. I want to use them as the static IPs. when I use one of those, I get a message that I cannot do it because it conflicts with another static IP (I have none) or with an IP in the range... Do I need a completely separate subnet/ range for the static-bind IP?


  • 3.  RE: dhcp-server static-bind and time

    Posted Mar 09, 2021 02:44 PM
    Nevermind, I needed to change the IP of the NTP server, the current setting was wrong.

    I have everything up and running, no wmy issue is with DNS. The DNS Server is not picking up the changes and the names/ new IPs. I have the domain-name set to our domain name and the dns-server set to our DNS server IPs, but they are still not communicating it seems...
