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  • 1.  Difference between these courses

    Posted Apr 26, 2018 07:20 AM



    I am just trying to figure out the difference between the following two cources:

    It is looking like I may actually get authorized to receive training so I want to pick the right course. It seems that the first and third options may go hand in hand. 


    Is the difference that with the E-learning course there is no live person to interact with? But the instructor led one there is actually a person even though it can be a virtual classroom?

  • 2.  RE: Difference between these courses

    Posted Apr 27, 2018 07:13 AM

    I think the difference between the E-Learning and Instructur led courses is that with the instructor led course Aruba actually books space which is why there is the additional cost.


    In both cases though I believe there are live instructors.


    Both courses result in the same material being taught though as far I understand.