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  • 1.  Disable management features of the HP 1800-24G J9028B

    Posted Jan 10, 2017 02:10 PM

    Is it possible to disable the management features of the HP 1800-24G J9028B? We wish to use it as a dumb switch for external internet connection purposes. I don't think there is a way but thought I'd ask the group. Thanks!


  • 2.  RE: Disable management features of the HP 1800-24G J9028B

    Posted Jan 10, 2017 03:55 PM

    What management feature hurts you exactly?

    The fact a Switch is (Smart-/Fully-)Manageable doesn't necessarily mean that must be managed in all its aspects (well, that's very basic, at least provide it with a IP static addressing and a Default Gateway...that's for management purposes only and let it - if it supports that feature - to synchronize with an external NTP Server...or provide an internal NTP Server if your network has Switch generated logs are collected with corrected date/time): it can act as a "dumb" switch too...if no management is done at all.

    The only thing you should care of - at this point - is to avoid to release (Web-/SSH-/Telnet- if active) login credentials to other non administrative IT operators you don't trust (yourself excluded).

  • 3.  RE: Disable management features of the HP 1800-24G J9028B

    Posted Jan 19, 2017 09:45 AM

    Thanks for the reply. Only reason is we don't want anyone whatsoever to even have the ability to login and possibly break security and get into the network, albeit an external network. I was trying to get away with not purchasing any additional hardware for a backup internet connection we are setting up here. So thanks for that explanation, we may go with it. Much appreciated.