Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Disappearing SSID

    Posted Apr 20, 2017 03:03 AM

    Dear all friends and experts


    Please help me, I’m facing problems with Wireless LAN in Building.


    We have three SSID:

    • A
    • B
    • C


    All users are working good, but some client can’t see ASSID, they can see only two SSID ( B and C). I talk to me team bring his devices to around building, but he still can’t see A SSID. Please give me some advices .


    Thank you so much,

    Lee Nguyen.

  • 2.  RE: Disappearing SSID

    Posted Apr 20, 2017 04:17 AM



    do you have controllers? Can you run: show ap bss-table ap-name NAME OF THE AP


    You will see the what the device is broadcasting.



  • 3.  RE: Disappearing SSID

    Posted Apr 20, 2017 05:35 AM



    Yes, all SSID have broadcasted from AP, but i dont know why ? My client can not see A SSID.
    Thank you so much

  • 4.  RE: Disappearing SSID

    Posted Apr 20, 2017 05:50 AM

    it looks like you are broadcasting SSID "A" and actually you have 5 users connected onto it.


    Can you do show wlan ssid-profile NAME OF THE SSID-PROFILE that broadcasts the A essid to check that it is not hidden?




  • 5.  RE: Disappearing SSID

    Posted Apr 20, 2017 05:52 AM

    Hey, what kind of configuration is "A" SSID. You can see from the output above it is broadcasting for 6 hours on on both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz. What are the devices in question that can't see the SSID's? Are they locked down to certain SSID's via a profile?


    It does show that you have 5 clients connected as well (cur-cl). If you run the below do you see any connected clients?


    #show ap association ap-name XXXXX


    If you can, upload the tech-support so we can take a look?