Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Dividing a purchased licence

    Posted Mar 20, 2013 07:36 PM

    I'm looking into purchasing some Aruba mobility controllers and access points.

    Aruba's price list offers larger bundles of AP licences at a better price per AP.

    If i had 8 controllers each managing 8 APs, would I be able to purchase a single 64AP licence bundle and apply one eighth of this bundle to each controller?


  • 2.  RE: Dividing a purchased licence
    Best Answer

    Posted Mar 20, 2013 08:59 PM

    No, you cannot split licenses.   When you license a controller you match the Certificate ID sent from Aruba to the serial number of the controller; giving you an activation key (that is only valid on that controller).   You cannot split them up.  I suggest you talk to your local Aruba sales team or reseller about pricing.

  • 3.  RE: Dividing a purchased licence

    Posted Feb 21, 2014 04:09 AM

    In Aruba OS 6.3 pooling licensing is available and you can split licenses between controllers in master-local setup.
    For details check 6.3 User guide.

  • 4.  RE: Dividing a purchased licence

    Posted Mar 21, 2014 11:20 PM

    the answer to your question is basically a no but unless you are having 8 controllers in a Master-local environment where you can utilise Central licensing:-
