I have a problem that's driving me nuts!
I cannot get to this web site: https://instantalert.honeywell.com
I can't ping it, Traceroute either just hangs or returns all asterisks.
I have a bunch of IAP-105s. Was running the latest firmware, and even went back to 3.4 to see if that was the issue. Nope. And its the ONLY site I can't get to. I can get to everything else I've tried. Tried several different computers, different access points, turned OpenDNS on and off, still no love.
This only happens going through the WiFi. I can stick a cable in my Macbook and hit that site through the wired network, no problem. And of course, that site is important to us!
I'm thinking its gotta be a setting in Aruba Instant somewhere. HELP!