"redundancy failover" command should make the standby the new commander, and then replace the bad switch like you normally would.
Dustin Burns
Lead Mobility Engineer @Worldcom Exchange, Inc.
ACCX 1271| ACMX 509| ACSP | ACDA | MVP Guru 2022-2023
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Original Message:
Sent: Jun 18, 2024 04:37 AM
From: fjulianom
Subject: Doubt about replacing a VSF stack member
Hi community,
I want to replace a VSF stack member which has broken. I already have my new switch, and read pages 739 and 740 of Aruba 2930F / 2930M Management and Configuration Guide for ArubaOSSwitch 16.05. It seems very simple because is only running the command "vsf member member-id type type-id" ,and connecting the new switch to the stack. But in my case, the failed member is the commander with highest priority. Is the procedure in this case the same? I think so but, will the other member have any service interruption? And has the new switch to be the same firmware version or when connecting it will upgrade automatically in case the members have different versions?