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  • 1.  dscp / qos / queue depths

    Posted Jun 18, 2010 02:05 PM

    My understanding for Provision switches, the default mappings do not need to be defined; true?

    Also, when set to a a 4 buffer queue, the

    .1p pri TO
    qos queue and depth TO
    dscp priority map

    goes something like this:

    802.1p Pri 2
    qos queue 1 - depth 8%
    qos dscp-map 001110 priority 2

    802.1p Pri 1
    qos queue 1 - depth 8%
    qos dscp-map 001010 priority 2

    802.1p Pri 1
    qos queue 1 - depth 8%
    qos dscp-map 001100 priority 2

    802.1p Pri 0
    qos queue 2 - depth 17%
    qos dscp-map 010010 priority 0

    802.1p Pri 0
    qos queue 2 - depth 17%
    qos dscp-map 010100 priority 0

    802.1p Pri 3
    qos queue 2 - depth 17%
    qos dscp-map 010110 priority 0

    802.1p Pri 4
    qos queue 3 - depth 30%
    qos dscp-map 011010 priority 3

    802.1p Pri 4
    qos queue 3 - depth 30%
    qos dscp-map 011100 priority 3

    802.1p Pri 5
    qos queue 3 - depth 30%
    qos dscp-map 011110 priority 3

    802.1p Pri 6
    qos queue 4 - depth 45%
    qos dscp-map 100010 priority 4

    802.1p Pri 6
    qos queue 4 - depth 45%
    qos dscp-map 100100 priority 4

    802.1p Pri 7
    qos queue 4 - depth 45%
    qos dscp-map 100110 priority 4

    802.1p Pri 7
    qos queue 4 - depth 45%
    qos dscp-map 101110 priority 5

    Is this corect?

    So all i need to do to set the dscp map to a vlan is this:

    vlan <VOICE_VLAN>
    qos dscp 110100


    So if I am trying to get my voice into the highest percentage queue, is there any difernce between a dscp map of 100010 100100 100110 110100 regarding switch cpu time? If so, what?


  • 2.  RE: dscp / qos / queue depths

    Posted Jun 22, 2010 03:19 AM
    Depending on type of switch you can designate a vlan as "voice" vlan.

    [no] interface vlan VLAN-ID voice
    Usage: [no] voice
    Description: Labels this VLAN as a Voice VLAN, allowing you to separate, prioritize, and authenticate voice traffic moving through
    your network.
    This is a VLAN context command. It can be called directly from the VLAN context or follow the 'vlan VLAN-ID' command.

    No need to manually create queues, qos values etc.....

    - can't answer the question about cpu usage, but my guess would be that the impact on cpu is not different between dscp values.

  • 3.  RE: dscp / qos / queue depths

    Posted Sep 28, 2012 02:27 PM

    I have a somewhat similar question but I started a new thread since it's not exactly the same. However some of the points made here seem to answer my questions.



    If I use the 'voice' option I do not need to use the QoS options? 

  • 4.  RE: dscp / qos / queue depths

    Posted Jul 01, 2010 01:38 PM
    it is my understanding that the vlan voice parameter allows lldp-med interaction with the link device and the switch port. if the device doesnt understand lldp-med, then the voice parameter doesnt do much. the L2 and L3 qos settings can be established via lldp-med, but the L3 settings would require enabling diffserv on the switch. if it isnt enaled, then setting dscp isnt buying anything. The default vlan voice param's are L2=6 L3=46(EF).

    Anyhow, I belive you are corerct in that I am splitting hairs with regard to cpu useage differences between code point 46 to 63. I am just curious to know why someone might want to set dscp to 46 from one vlan and 63 in another.
