Wired Intelligent Edge

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  • 1.  DT-LACP Switch to Switch

    Posted Aug 06, 2015 05:51 AM

    Previously using DT-LACP to connect switches together was a big no no due to STP etc. It should only be used to connect switches to servers.


    I've heard from a number of sources that this is no longer the case and we can now connect switches to switches using DT-LACP but I cannot find any offical HP documentation to confirm this.


    I want to connect two 5406zl's to a 5700 IRF stack, DT-LACP on the 5406zl end. Still not recommended?

  • 2.  RE: DT-LACP Switch to Switch

    Posted Aug 17, 2015 09:43 PM

    I don't see any reason why that would not work.  The IRF pair is simply another switch connected via DT trunk and vice versa.  However, if it were me, I would use one or the other.  Easier to configure and troubleshoot.  Less things that can go wrong...



  • 3.  RE: DT-LACP Switch to Switch

    Posted Aug 18, 2015 02:48 AM


    Why not simply check the manual.

    K.15.16.x is one of the current firmware releases. I have chosed the management and configuration guide for this release (there are different manuals for different releases, because they contain different features)




    Go to page 157 to 169.

    On page 166 you can find a list of restrictions, but I dont see a restriction there that only servers are supported as downstream devices.


    Checking older release notes I see the following enhancement introduced in K.15.05.0001 (this release should be about 4 years old)


    Distributed Trunking Switch-to-Switch

    Enhancement (PR_0000063613) - Adds support for switch-to-switch Distributed Trunking. See “Port Trunking” in

    the Management and Configuration Guide.






  • 4.  RE: DT-LACP Switch to Switch

    Posted Aug 18, 2015 09:01 AM

    Thanks Emil.  I did not mean to imply it was not supported, switch-to-switch DT certainly is.