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  • 1.  DWG Import in Airwave 8.2.4

    Posted Oct 19, 2017 05:28 AM

    I'm setting up airwave visual and I was able to import DWG drawing that I have, but a couple of issues bring to a quite unacceptable layout:

    - When a layer selection (among the steps) is shown, no matter which layer I select, all the layers are imported; maybe this is by design since identification of walls is for planning and have I to provide a simpler DWG?

    - When DWG is imported the line thickness is huge and I see no way to change it so that the imported drawing is a mess in which it is quite impossible to undestand anything

    Maybe the first is not a issue (but should be a desired feature) and importing only part of the layers in the dwg is not a feasible option, but the second seeems to be an issue that cannot be overcome ... or maybe have I to prepare a special DWG?

    I have attached a couple of png with a part of the DWG file to be compared to the layout shown by Visual after importing that DWG

  • 2.  RE: DWG Import in Airwave 8.2.4

    Posted Oct 20, 2017 09:00 AM

    The DWG import in Airwave has limited control for complex files. What I do under these circumstances is use a DWG viewer where I can control layers, etc, create a screenshot from there to a PNG file and import that.

  • 3.  RE: DWG Import in Airwave 8.2.4

    Posted Apr 22, 2020 02:00 PM


    But if you do that, you're losing the advantages that DWG import gives: accurate building wall materials, which should help accurately determine latency

  • 4.  RE: DWG Import in Airwave 8.2.4

    Posted Apr 22, 2020 06:34 PM

    Could we try it on the latest version of Airwave? On latest version there are some improvements done as per the release note.

    Below is the link to the release note. You can just search with DWG and it show the defects which are addressed. 


  • 5.  RE: DWG Import in Airwave 8.2.4

    Posted Jun 25, 2020 07:47 PM

    I'm running

    AirWave imports the paper space as the background image and then no matter which layer I select to import, no walls get added to VisualRF.

  • 6.  RE: DWG Import in Airwave 8.2.4

    Posted Jun 26, 2020 01:22 PM

    We had a defect reported for this issue on and is addressed on which is expected by mid of July. Defect# DE34106.