I'm setting up airwave visual and I was able to import DWG drawing that I have, but a couple of issues bring to a quite unacceptable layout:
- When a layer selection (among the steps) is shown, no matter which layer I select, all the layers are imported; maybe this is by design since identification of walls is for planning and have I to provide a simpler DWG?
- When DWG is imported the line thickness is huge and I see no way to change it so that the imported drawing is a mess in which it is quite impossible to undestand anything
Maybe the first is not a issue (but should be a desired feature) and importing only part of the layers in the dwg is not a feasible option, but the second seeems to be an issue that cannot be overcome ... or maybe have I to prepare a special DWG?
I have attached a couple of png with a part of the DWG file to be compared to the layout shown by Visual after importing that DWG