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  • 1.  EVE-NG Self-Paced Lab: EVPN/VXLAN

    Posted Feb 10, 2021 05:00 PM

    EVE-NG is a tool similar to GNS3 that provides network admins with ways to simulate routers, switches, firewalls, and numerous other virtual appliances. You can create a network lab with devices from various vendors. If the network vendor has a virtual appliance, it can more than likely run in an EVE-NG environment.


    I wanted to share this new attached EVE-NG lab ("VXLAN EVPN Lab and Resources.zip") which can be imported into your instance of EVE-NG (or GNS3). The zip file also has the lab guide and a couple brief videos to describe the environment.


    Please help us out and share your experience with EVE-NG labs/environment. We plan to produce a number of these types of self-paced learning labs and your feedback will help.

    Steve Baker

  • 2.  RE: EVE-NG Self-Paced Lab: EVPN/VXLAN

    Posted Feb 25, 2022 10:01 AM
    Hi BakerBas,

    Please could you provide more information.
    I've got EVE-NG and an interface vxlan vteps with the status operational.
    unfortunatality it is not possible to send any data throug the tunnel

    Ruurd Plooij

    Ruurd Plooij

  • 3.  RE: EVE-NG Self-Paced Lab: EVPN/VXLAN

    Posted Mar 18, 2022 10:49 PM
    I may be missing the obvious: Where's the attachment or link to download the lab?

    Mark Brown