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  • 1.  External Data Puller 404 not found

    Posted Apr 29, 2014 05:37 AM

    Hello everybody,


    I'm posting here because I can't find any answer to my problem. I'm pretty new to CCPM and I want to be able to automatically send its backups to my server. I downloaded the external data puller tool and followed this steps :



    The problem is, the log shows a 404 error while trying to get backup files :



    2014-04-29 11:11:28,207 DEBUG DataPuller datacollector Dumping the entry[0]=https://x.x.x.x/activitydumpservice/config-dump/auto-backup-tips-2014-04-29-01-10-01.tar.gz

    2014-04-29 11:11:28,207 DEBUG DataPuller datacollector Dumping the entry[1]=https://x.x.x.x/activitydumpservice/config-dump/auto-backup-tips-2014-04-28-01-10-01.tar.gz

    2014-04-29 11:11:28,207 DEBUG DataPuller datacollector Dumping the entry[2]=https://x.x.x.x/activitydumpservice/config-dump/auto-backup-tips-2014-04-27-01-10-01.tar.gz

    2014-04-29 11:11:28,207 DEBUG DataPuller datacollector Dumping the entry[3]=https://x.x.x.x/activitydumpservice/config-dump/auto-backup-tips-2014-04-26-01-10-01.tar.gz

    2014-04-29 11:11:28,207 DEBUG DataPuller datacollector Dumping the entry[4]=https://x.x.x.x/activitydumpservice/config-dump/auto-backup-tips-2014-04-25-01-10-01.tar.gz

    2014-04-29 11:11:28,207 DEBUG DataPuller datacollector Dumping the entry[5]=https://x.x.x.x/activitydumpservice/config-dump/auto-backup-tips-2014-04-24-01-10-01.tar.gz

    2014-04-29 11:11:28,207 DEBUG DataPuller datacollector Read feedLastUpdateTimestamp=2014-04-28T23:10:06Z
    2014-04-29 11:11:28,207 DEBUG DataPuller datacollector Creating the directory C:/AvendaSystems/ExtDataPuller/var/downloads/config-info/ClearPass/x.x.x.x
    2014-04-29 11:11:28,207 DEBUG DataPuller pywget Starting the download of contents of URL https://x.x.x.x/activitydumpservice/config-dump/auto-backup-tips-2014-04-29-01-10-01.tar.gz to file C:/AvendaSystems/ExtDataPuller/var/downloads/config-info/ClearPass/x.x.x.x/auto-backup-tips-2014-04-29-01-10-01.tar.gz |Last fetch time=None
    2014-04-29 11:11:28,313 ERROR DataPuller pywget Caught exception while retrieving the URL {https://x.x.x.x/activitydumpservice/config-dump/auto-backup-tips-2014-04-29-01-10-01.tar.gz}
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "PyWGet.pyc", line 67, in __wGet
    File "urllib.pyc", line 222, in retrieve
    File "urllib.pyc", line 190, in open
    File "urllib.pyc", line 429, in open_https
    File "urllib.pyc", line 355, in http_error
    File "urllib.pyc", line 361, in http_error_default
    IOError: ('http error', 404, 'Not Found', <httplib.HTTPMessage instance at 0x012523F0>)
    2014-04-29 11:11:28,313 ERROR DataPuller datacollector Caught exception while downloading the data from URL {https://x.x.x.x/activitydumpservice/ActivityDump?type=config-info&orderBy=desc} DataCollector(Thread-3) terminated abnormally
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "DataCollector.pyc", line 56, in run
    File "DataCollector.pyc", line 104, in __downloadFeed
    File "DataCollector.pyc", line 148, in __downloadFile
    WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified: u'C:/AvendaSystems/ExtDataPuller/var/downloads/config-info/ClearPass/x.x.x.x/auto-backup-tips-2014-04-29-01-10-01.tar.gz'



    When I try to enter in my browser https://x.x.x.x/activitydumpservice/ActivityDump?type=config-info&orderBy=desc  : I can see the xml file.

    But when I try to type https://x.x.x.x/activitydumpservice/config-dump/auto-backup-tips-2014-04-27-01-10-01.tar.gz  : I get a 404 Error from the CCPM Apache Server.


    Has anybody had this problem before ?


    Thanks for you help.


    - nice2k


  • 2.  RE: External Data Puller 404 not found

    Posted Apr 29, 2014 11:26 AM



    Thanks for your post. I think I've seen some other recent email internally around this. Let me check with enginnering this mornng and get back to you on the latest situation.



  • 3.  RE: External Data Puller 404 not found

    Posted Apr 29, 2014 11:28 AM

    Thank you very much!

  • 4.  RE: External Data Puller 404 not found
    Best Answer

    Posted Apr 29, 2014 04:36 PM

    OK - sorry for the delay.


    I've spoken with enginnering today, this fix for this issue is included in the 6.3.2 patch which we are schedule to release in about two weeks time.....tentatively we are targeting Friday 9th May to release this patch.


  • 5.  RE: External Data Puller 404 not found

    Posted Apr 30, 2014 02:31 AM



    Okay, I'll wait for this patch then. Thanks for your answer and the info.


    Have a nice day.


    - nice2k


    EDIT : Problem solved with the Cumulative patch 6.3.2 as expected ! Thanks a lot.