Wired Intelligent Edge

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  • 1.  Fabric Composer in EVE-NG for EVPN

    Posted Jun 24, 2022 09:20 AM
    I'd like to integrate Fabric Composer into EVE-NG to tie it into my EVPN environment.  Has anyone got this working yet.  I'm thinking that I can convert the OVA file to a qcow2 file, then rename it to the hda.qcow2 file, but not sure if I'll need a new template file for this, or if I can just link it to one of the existing templates.

    If anyone has any ideas, please reply.  Otherwise, I'll keep working with it and post something here if I get it working.

    BTW - EVPN in EVE-NG works well, but are type-5 routes not supported in the simulated environment?

  • 2.  RE: Fabric Composer in EVE-NG for EVPN

    Posted Jun 25, 2022 02:42 PM
    I use a vyos router as "oob" router. I have a shared ztp setup for all labs. I have a AFC in vmware outside of my EVE-NG and access the mgmt interface through the "oob" gw. EVPN in combination with VSX does not work in the simulator if you try to send traffic through the network.

  • 3.  RE: Fabric Composer in EVE-NG for EVPN

    Posted Jun 27, 2022 04:10 AM
    You have help on EVE-NG help for that part.
    Please consider that Type-5 are not supported on Simulator (the virtual-mac command is not available in CLI and router-MAC attribute in NLRI can not be set).
    This is a gap for Simulator. However, it does not prevent to use it in combination of AFC to get trained on AFC, as many steps and workflow in AFC will work.

  • 4.  RE: Fabric Composer in EVE-NG for EVPN

    Posted Jul 07, 2022 09:11 AM
    Thanks for confirming the Type-5 route situation.  Running an Aruba EVPN lab in EVE-NG is a great tool to get customers hand-on with Aruba EVPN that helps sell the solution, any chance Aruba is working on a next version that would support Type-5 routes?

  • 5.  RE: Fabric Composer in EVE-NG for EVPN

    Posted Jul 07, 2022 09:26 AM
    Very little chance to have this type-5 support soon on simulator...