Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Facility 832 Not found in the list

    Posted Jun 16, 2017 02:30 AM

    I find lots of those messages in the controller logs:

    Facility 832 Not found in the list

    and sometimes also

    Facility 0 Not found in the list

    from all kinds of services, most often httpd

    Jun 15 10:54:58  httpd[5748]: <306600> <5748> <ERRS> |httpd|  Facility 832 Not found in the list

    (those approx. every 5 minutes...)


    What does that mean?



  • 2.  RE: Facility 832 Not found in the list

    Posted Jun 16, 2017 02:54 AM

    The ArubaOS Syslog Messages Guide, version 6.5 page 39

    gives the definition of ID 30660, which isn't terribly helpful.


    Many of the messages, like this one - are used by multiple processes.

    Facility 832 corresponds to a process, which reflects which process sent the message. The facility numbers can change across AOS versions, thus, the Syslog guide definitions simply can't contain exact details.


    If those messages started after an upgrade to AOS 6.5, and it does not correlate to problems, I'd suggest this is fixed in AOS (158772) , a confusion with the facility number, the Anti_Virus and BLE processes,  and this message being erroneously printed.


    If the messages correlate to reported problems, I'd suggest to open a support case, including the controller logs+tech-support bundle, and any other relevant information.