Since one month, we have an issue with our W7210 firewall.
We have an open SSID with an external captive portal (
occasionally the https trafic from clients to captive portal is allowed by aruba firewall but sometimes not:
(STARSKY) #show datapath session table
Datapath Session Table Entries
Flags: F - fast age, S - src NAT, N - dest NAT
D - deny, R - redirect, Y - no syn
H - high prio, P - set prio, T - set ToS
C - client, M - mirror, V - VOIP
Q - Real-Time Quality analysis
I - Deep inspect, U - Locally destined
E - Media Deep Inspect, G - media signal
A - Application Firewall Inspect
Source IP Destination IP Prot SPort DPort Cntr Prio ToS Age Destination TAge Packets Bytes Flags
--------------- --------------- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- --- --- ----------- ---- --------- --------- --------------- 6 50629 443 0/0 0 0 0 tunnel 2332 1 0 0 FDYCA
How can I investigate this issue ?