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FlexNetwork 5140 hh3cLswSysCpuRatio OID clarification

This thread has been viewed 6 times
  • 1.  FlexNetwork 5140 hh3cLswSysCpuRatio OID clarification

    Posted 7 days ago


    We have a bunch of IRF stacks from FlexNetwork 5140; some of them consist of 2 switches, and another - from 3+. We have configured monitoring of these switches and can't figure out how hh3cLswSysCpuRatio OID is working. When the stack consists of 2 switches - this OID returns CPU usage of master switch. And when there is 3+ switches in stack - this OID returns something that we can't understand/calculate. Also, we gather hh3cLswCpuRatio OID that shows the CPU usage of each member of the stack. So we can compare both of these OIDs and it doesn't help us.

    Maybe someone can clarify the behavior of this OID?

  • 2.  RE: FlexNetwork 5140 hh3cLswSysCpuRatio OID clarification

    Posted 6 days ago

    You can find MIB descriptions here.


    Object (OID)



    Value range



    hh3cLswSysCpuRatio (



    Integer32 (0..100)

    Real-time CPU usage on the card in 1-minute intervals.

    For distributed devices in IRF mode, this object indicates the real-time CPU usage on the active MPU in the system.

    As per the MIB.

    Best, Gorazd

    Gorazd Kikelj
    MVP Guru 2024

  • 3.  RE: FlexNetwork 5140 hh3cLswSysCpuRatio OID clarification

    Posted 5 days ago

    Yes, surely we found this description. And for the stacks with 2 members this description is true, we can see that hh3cLswSysCpuRatio and hh3cLswCpuRatio (for corresponding slot) perfectly match. 

    But sometimes when there are 2+ members in the stack - we can see significant differences for the master slot between these two OIDS, e.g.

    Moreover, the hh3cLswSysCpuRatio OID (the top graph on both screenshots) in such a situation doesn't correspond to any slot CPU usage. And we don't understand what is shows and who is lying :-)