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  • 1.  Freeing up Flash memory (A5500 Ei Switch)

    Posted Feb 19, 2016 08:50 AM


    I am having an issue with Flash memory, I ran out of space, so I deleted a file to create space etc etc.  The file is now gone but the memory taken still remains the same... 

    I have rebooted and restarted the device in an effort to remove force the system to refresh and realise there is more free space than displayed...

    I did not use the "delete /unreserved" command unfortunately, any suggests for getting flash memory space recalulated or is it possible the file is still in flash in some capacity so the reading is correct.


  • 2.  RE: Freeing up Flash memory (A5500 Ei Switch)

    Posted Feb 19, 2016 09:32 AM


    You can use the following command:


    undelete <file>

    delete /unreserved <file>




  • 3.  RE: Freeing up Flash memory (A5500 Ei Switch)

    Posted Feb 19, 2016 09:44 AM

    Thank you, I won't get to try this until Monday but it makes sense!


  • 4.  RE: Freeing up Flash memory (A5500 Ei Switch)

    Posted Feb 19, 2016 10:38 AM


    From user level, use the reset recycle-bin to recover your flash space.



  • 5.  RE: Freeing up Flash memory (A5500 Ei Switch)

    Posted Sep 05, 2017 09:57 PM

    Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks heaps!

  • 6.  RE: Freeing up Flash memory (A5500 Ei Switch)

    Posted Sep 06, 2017 10:39 AM


    Glad that fixed it for you and glad to help!

    Have a good day!
