Wireless Access

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  • 1.  General complaining - Client control, GUI response, "Master" topology....

    Posted Sep 06, 2018 01:31 AM

    Hi everyone,


    I have a master controller running, and the Web GUI is really slow. I can live with it, but it makes the whole experience of using the technology very unpleasant. (Is there an SSD upgrade? only half joking...)


    I know Aruba knows it's slow because they've added an orange progress bar to the page so you know when it's finished loading....


    It's a master controller.  I will need to add a second one in HA mode after I've finished configuring it all up the way that I need it (that other controller is still running the production networks so I can't add it yet).


    I assume this is why it has a weird "tree" arrangement on the left hand side, so some things like licences have to be done at the top node of the tree, other things like IP addresses can only be done on specific nodes, and many things (like wlans) can be put in either location, so you need to look everywhere to find stuff.


    So that's all awful to work with and sucks heaps of time and so on and so forth but I can live with all that, because once it's done I won't have to touch it much.




    How do I kick a client off so that they have to authenticate again?  Can this be done from the GUI at all?  On the old one it's monitoring -> Controller -> Clients -> radio button on someone -> disconnect, but I can't find anything similar in version 8.  Do I need to use the CLI for this now?  That's the one thing that's got me stuck.  I can't find it in the thousand-page User manual....





  • 2.  RE: General complaining - Client control, GUI response, "Master" topology....
    Best Answer

    Posted Sep 06, 2018 04:01 AM

    What controller is this?  To unlock the full features of the system, you should use an MM and not a controller to configure your network.  As of today, you can only kick of users with the commandline (aaa user delete mac <mac address>).


    There is alot of detail in the user manual, but you should really take a  look at the AOS 8 Fundamentals Guide here:  http://community.arubanetworks.com/t5/Controller-Based-WLANs/ArubaOS-8-Fundamentals-Guide/ta-p/428914 to understand how things should work.

  • 3.  RE: General complaining - Client control, GUI response, "Master" topology....

    Posted Sep 12, 2018 06:56 PM
    Hi mate, thanks for replying. It's an amc7210 "Mobility Controller". The old version ( was clunky but usable. The new version 8 GUI has a better layout but is awfully slow, and, as you've confirmed, lacks basic features, but if I'm using a poor platform, that's my problem to deal with. Is mobility master a fancy way of saying ArubaOS 8, or is new hardware/VA necessary to be an MM? I've looked at the PDF you've kindly posted and the screen shots there certainly say "master" where mine says "controller". Can we get to MM status with a software upgrade somehow?

  • 4.  RE: General complaining - Client control, GUI response, "Master" topology....

    Posted Sep 12, 2018 08:17 PM

    A virtual MM is a Virtual Machine or an appliance (not hardware controller) and it is necessary to be an MM.

  • 5.  RE: General complaining - Client control, GUI response, "Master" topology....

    Posted Sep 16, 2018 11:49 PM

    As a follow up from this, in case anyone else is confused.  On page 17 of that document:


    "Access points cannot be terminated on a MM."




    "[On an MCM,] only a subset of MM features is available and APs
    cannot be terminated as they would be with an MM."


    I suspect that the most reliable place for solid info on Aruba gear will be your reseller.


    Also you can buy MMs as hardware appliances if you want to.