Dear Team,
I am trying to update new firmware on a stack switch using CLI but it's failing to download whereas I have just updated around 14 switches following the same process:
acsw-004# copy sftp flash xxx_user@10.x.x.1x WC_16_10_0012.swi secondary
The secondary image will be deleted.
Continue (y/n)? y
Attempting username/password authentication...
Enter xxx_user@10.x.x.1x's password: ********************************
SFTP download in progress.
000M General error...
It also skips the usual we get below section:
RSA key fingerprint is ec:88:81:44:d7:00:8c:fe:c5:38:8c:a3:cf:3c:70:36.
Do you want to accept this host key? [(y)es/(n)o/(o)nce] y
Please assist.
Kind Regards,