Location Services

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  • 1.  Getting started with ALE...

    Posted May 07, 2018 01:04 PM

    Greetings; new to this forum and new to Aruba "gear". We have a customer with 5,000 AP's (and other's similar) and we need "rough" population-counts per AP (and likely users are not 'connected'; likely roaming through an area).  I presume ALE can help.  At a minimum to get started, for test/exploration, what do I need?  A single ALE license and a bare or VM system and is that all?  Then I should be able to use the REST APIs?  Sorry if this is well-known but I couldn't easily find what I need.  Last, how can I buy the ALE/kit/license and I presume $50 for 1 AP?

  • 2.  RE: Getting started with ALE...

    Posted May 07, 2018 01:11 PM

  • 3.  RE: Getting started with ALE...

    Posted May 07, 2018 01:19 PM

    Thank you!  Related, given that we need very coarse population information, is it possible for us to talk directly to each Aruba AP via a REST API and get rough information about WiFi devices in the area (RSSI info, MAC, even if the user is not logged-in/authenticated)? Or any other way?

  • 4.  RE: Getting started with ALE...

    Posted May 07, 2018 01:23 PM
      |   view attached

    Attached PDF

    or do goolge seach,



    Have gr8 evening.




    ALE_2.0.0.7_APIGuide.pdf   543 KB 1 version

  • 5.  RE: Getting started with ALE...

    Posted May 07, 2018 01:29 PM

    Thanx again, but I'm looking for a way to talk to the AP and get the info I need, and thus avoiding the ALE setup/cost (the client doesn't want to pay $50 times thousands of APs).  I believe there is an extensive API to the APs but I'm not sure it can get me info about non-connected proximity users...?