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  • 1.  Guest Expire_After 30 Days

    Posted Sep 30, 2015 01:18 PM

    Is there a way to change the Expire_After action to be set to 30 days for a guest account? We have a guest page that is setup for part-time employees to register and MAC auth for 30 days before having to re-register. Those employees don't have AD creds and we wanted to accounting info so no PSK. 


    I changed the "Expire_After" initial value in the form to 1080, but when we register it gives us an error stating that an Expire time needs to be selected. We tried 48 hours and it works fine. I assume the number is too high, so what would be another easy option to configure this?



  • 2.  RE: Guest Expire_After 30 Days
    Best Answer

    Posted Sep 30, 2015 02:14 PM

    Did you add your new expiration times to the expiration options under Configuration --> Guest Manager?


    In the Expiration Options field.

    720 | 30 days

    1080 | 45 days


    Your choice needs to exist in this field.



  • 3.  RE: Guest Expire_After 30 Days

    Posted Sep 30, 2015 02:17 PM

    Oh jeeze.... no I did not. I will add it and test it out, but that makes sense.

