Thank you Gowri, I had never scrolled down far enough to spot space usage...
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 03, 2023 09:57 AM
From: Gowri Amujuri
Subject: How do I clear down a full VAR log file?
System > Performance Page has a section for Disk Space and shows Free/Used partitions and file systems.
P.S. /var should never fill up. If thats happening, either the system has not setup with right disk size (as per sizing guide) or there can be a process crashing and filling up logs file. The later needs to be a TAC case to see the issue.
Gowri Amujuri
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 03, 2023 09:50 AM
From: stuart_d1
Subject: How do I clear down a full VAR log file?
Fab stuff - never knew we had that capability.
So, last question for now then ... how do I monitor the log size and available space please?
Stuart D
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 03, 2023 09:34 AM
From: Gowri Amujuri
Subject: How do I clear down a full VAR log file?
Hi Stuart,
Use option 8 and 2 for Enter Commands and type 'cleanup'
The details of CLI menu can be found here :
Gowri Amujuri
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 03, 2023 02:38 AM
From: stuart_d1
Subject: How do I clear down a full VAR log file?
Would you care to tell me where and how I access this clean up command?
The best I see is Option 1 Files > which takes me to a choice of 3 further options which are 1 Upload file - 2 Download File and 3 Delete File. Taking option 3 gives me the ability to delete one file called 'awsupport.gpg'
There is nowhere that I can see that allows me to manipulate and reduce the size of my VAR log.
Please advise?
Stuart D
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 02, 2023 12:56 PM
From: Gowri Amujuri
Subject: How do I clear down a full VAR log file?
There's a cleanup command in CLI Menu > Enter Commands which will clean up log files, and other unused files.
Gowri Amujuri
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 02, 2023 10:27 AM
From: stuart_d1
Subject: How do I clear down a full VAR log file?
We are getting errors that our VAR log is full but nothing I've looked at, or searched out is of any help.
The rather silly CLI menu system doesn't allow us to run commands like: rm -rf /var/log/*.1 as it requires us to be at an elevated prompt (#) which of course isn't available from the menu system!!!
So can anyone point me at how to reduce the size of our VAR log without having to raise a TAC please?
For what it's worth we are on v8.2.15.1
Stuart D