Wireless Access

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  • 1.  How do I troubleshoot traffic dropped by a user defined bandwidth contact?

    Posted Feb 10, 2012 04:34 PM

    Hi - I am trying to understand more about how bandwidth contracts work. In my aruba6000 we currently have a down stream contract applied to the 'guest' role set to 50MB. When I check the 'show datapath frames' and the 'show datapath bwm table' command outputs. I can see we are dropping some traffic...

    I would like to understand a couple things:

    (1) Is there a way to check how much of the 50MB limit are we consuming through out the day. I think that can be checked with the "show datapath bwm table". I am assuming that the "Available Bytes" number is telling me that...  Is this a right assumption? Or is there a better way to check that?

    (2) When I check the output of the "show datapath frame counters" I see the dropped traffic on SLOT 3 column. What does the "SLOT #" mean?


    If any one has any good links to existing documentation on this topic..  I would be very greateful! 

  • 2.  RE: How do I troubleshoot traffic dropped by a user defined bandwidth contact?

    Posted Feb 12, 2012 11:56 PM

    @rfjunkie wrote:

    Hi - I am trying to understand more about how bandwidth contracts work. In my aruba6000 we currently have a down stream contract applied to the 'guest' role set to 50MB. When I check the 'show datapath frames' and the 'show datapath bwm table' command outputs. I can see we are dropping some traffic...

    I would like to understand a couple things:

    (1) Is there a way to check how much of the 50MB limit are we consuming through out the day. I think that can be checked with the "show datapath bwm table". I am assuming that the "Available Bytes" number is telling me that...  Is this a right assumption? Or is there a better way to check that?

    (2) When I check the output of the "show datapath frame counters" I see the dropped traffic on SLOT 3 column. What does the "SLOT #" mean?


    If any one has any good links to existing documentation on this topic..  I would be very greateful! 

    1. Not possible because the controller does not keep much historical data

    2.  Bandwidth contracts limit sustained traffic,  not total traffic.  If I want an individual or the users in a role to not sustain more than 1 mb of traffic, that is how would set it in the user's role.  A speedtest should not get past 1mb. 


    Please search for AnswerID 1026, or "bandwidth" here:  http://support.arubanetworks.com/ArubaOSKB/tabid/111/Default.aspx

  • 3.  RE: How do I troubleshoot traffic dropped by a user defined bandwidth contact?

    Posted Feb 14, 2012 02:19 PM

    Thank you for the clarification both on the monitoring bit and the BW contract limitation.   I guess we'll need to look into an external tool such as AirWave or some other tool to monitor out BW utilization. 


    Btw - I checked AnswerID 1026 as suggested and that was very helpful.  However, it does not explain what SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, and SLOT3 are referring to (see below).  Eventhough it's not relvant to the issue it would be good to know...


    (6000) #show datapath frame counters

    Datapath Frame Statistics
    Allocated Frames            3426
    IP Datagrams Fragmented     22327316
    IP Fragmentation Failures   0
    IP Reassembled Datagrams    87413024
    IP Reassembly overlaps      7
    IP Reassembly Failures      49605
    Invalid IP headers Received 26702
    BPDUs Received              6228535
    LAPDUs Received             0
    Runts Received              105
    WIFI Frames Re-Assembled    135653
    WIFI Re-Assembly Failures   83108
    WIFI AMSDU                  11402
    WIFI AMSDU De-aggregated    25209
    WIFI AMSDU De-agg Failures  1
    xSec Frames Re-Assembled    0
    xSec Re-Assembly Failures   0
    Station Not Data Ready      161734
    Association Throttle        0
    CP Policed Frames           0
    ARP Request Spoofs          0
    ARP Reply Spoofs            0
    Gratuitous ARP Spoofs       0

                    SLOT 0       SLOT 1       SLOT 2       SLOT 3   <----- What is this referring to?
    Rx Frames       0            0            0            2546246998
    Rx Failures     0            0            0            0
    Rx Underflows   0            0            0            0
    Rx Overflows    0            0            0            0
    Tx Frames       105373       0            0            1853891540
    Tx Failures     0            0            0            32719
    Tx Underflows   0            0            0            0
    Tx Overflows    0            0            0            0
    Descr Failures  0            0            0            0
    Alloc Failures  0            0            0            0
    Dot1d Discards  0            0            0            410
    Dot1Q Discards  0            0            0            165
    Denied Frames   72618850     0            0            122187787
    Policed Frames  0            0            0            500    <----- dropping some traffic