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How to delete included self-signed certificates?

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  • 1.  How to delete included self-signed certificates?

    Posted May 14, 2019 09:41 AM

    A recent Nessus vulnerability scan of our controllers is flagging 'unknown CA' problems for the self-signed certificates that ship with the controllers. The WebUI Management > Certificates >Upload page only shows the valid, completed CSR certificates I uploaded, as well as the root CAs I uploaded. The command line #show crypto-local ServerCert shows only the uploaded cert as well.


    The finding lists the subject: CN=securelogin.arubanetworks.com/O=Aruba Networks/C=US and the Issuer: CN=Aruba7210-US-<serialNum>/O=Aruba Networks/C=US.


    We are using our valid CA-signed certificates for all cert usages, but our scans are still squawking about this self-signed one.


    Is there any way to delete it?