Thanks, I will test that.
Original Message:
Sent: May 22, 2024 07:04 AM
From: schmelzle
Subject: How to enable different bandwidth on 5 and 6 Ghz (IAP615)
Hi Dion,
In the IAP WebUI, leave wide channel bands enabled for 5 and 6 GHz along with 80 MHz support enabled. Then edit the Valid 5 GHz channels and remove any ending with E (like 36E) and S (like 36S). E indicates 80 MHz and S indicates 160 MHz. Removing those channels from the Valid 5 GHz channel list will allow you to run 40 MHz in 5 GHz and 80 MHz in 6 GHz.
Original Message:
Sent: May 22, 2024 04:46 AM
From: Dion Vermeulen
Subject: How to enable different bandwidth on 5 and 6 Ghz (IAP615)
I'm trying to enable 40Mhz on 5Ghz and 80Mhz on 6Ghz. I enabled the option 80Mhz in the RF settings and checked the checkbox of 6Ghz in the wide channel bands option.
But on both radio's 5 and 6Ghz it's broadcasting 80Mhz (I disabled the 2.4Ghz radio). Whatever I do I'm not able to have 40Mhz on 5Ghz and 80Mhz on 6Ghz .
Does anyone have experience with this?