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  • 1.  How to export .csv file from InternalDB

    Posted Feb 08, 2018 10:36 PM

    Hi Everyone,


    How can i get the file after export from internalDB?





    Kind Regards,

  • 2.  RE: How to export .csv file from InternalDB

    Posted Feb 09, 2018 04:12 AM
    From the webui:
    Maintenance > File > Copy Files

    More details here: http://www.arubanetworks.com/techdocs/ArubaOS_64x_WebHelp/Content/ArubaFrameStyles/Management_Utilities/Managing_Files_on_the_.htm

    Scroll to the bottom to see details on copying other files.

  • 3.  RE: How to export .csv file from InternalDB

    Posted Feb 11, 2018 11:18 PM

    Can't export as .csv file!!


    I was imported as csv file (Internal user), but can't export csv?




  • 4.  RE: How to export .csv file from InternalDB

    Posted Feb 12, 2018 12:02 AM

    you cannot export as csv, but thats not a big problem. The export is a mysql dump, within it is CSV data (sort of). Edit the dump file, and find the following lines which are the start, content and end of the usertable


    LOCK TABLES userinfo WRITE;
    INSERT INTO userinfo VALUES (1,1,'test123','','guest','d82002db1f2d1b79fd08426393b29fe1',0,0,0,'','',25306851,'','','admin','root',1,'','',25306851,'','','','','','','',0,'','',0,'','',0,'',0),(2,1,'test456','','guest','02f9239befa5452c662167e0f9a5a358',0,0,0,'','',25306852,'','','admin','root',1,'','',25306852,'','','','','','','',0,'','',0,'','',0,'',0);

    now, save just these lines into a new file (or delete everything except these lines). The password is encrypted, not much way around that. You can then use a perl/python script to manipulate it and do what you want.


    If you need the password and/or you're not so familar with scripting, then I would recommend you just do the following and save yourself some time:

    a) ssh to controller

    b) start session log on your ssh client

    c) enter command "no paging"

    d) enter command "encrypt disable" if you want to see passwords

    e) enter command "show local-userdb"

    f) stop ssh session log


    g) now edit the session log file to just include the header and the output lines, get rid of the ----- and other junk

    Name     Password  Role   E-Mail  Enabled  Expiry  Status  Sponsor-Name  Remote-IP  Grantor-Name
    test123  test123   guest          Yes              Active          admin
    test456  test123   guest          Yes              Active          admin

    h) save it and then import to excel as space delimited data

