I've been trying to do something use with the Aruba Central API and Powershell.
I'm able to request a new access token, refresh the token
and i can also use some of the API queries with the use of an access token
$uri ="https://eu-apigw.central.arubanetworks.com/device_inventory/v2/devices?sku_type=IAP&access_token=$accessToken"
$output = Invoke-RestMethod-Uri $uri -Method GET
-> works
uri = "https://eu-apigw.central.arubanetworks.com/monitoring/v1/aps?access_token=$accessToken
$output = Invoke-RestMethod-Uri $uri -Method GET
-> works
trying to get some detail info
$uri = https://eu-apigw.central.arubanetworks.com/monitoring/v1/aps/SomeSerialNr
$output = Invoke-RestMethod-Uri $uri -Method GET
-> not working
-> how to pass the access token in this URI ? tried with "-body" option but can't find it.
Can somebody point me in the good direction ?