Network Management

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  • 1.  How to set https in "Open Web NMS" application

    Posted Jul 06, 2019 04:19 AM


    I have forced all web GUI on my network devices to use HTTPS (HTTP being deactivated).

    Unfortunately the "Open Web GUI NMS" application of IMC still uses HTTP to access the network devices, and obviously the attempt fails.

    Does someone know how to force it to use HTTPS?

    Thanks a lot.


  • 2.  RE: How to set https in "Open Web NMS" application

    Posted Jul 08, 2019 03:08 PM

    For each device, under configure (right side) > Modify web manager parameters, you can specify https, the port and even include parameters

  • 3.  RE: How to set https in "Open Web NMS" application

    Posted Jul 11, 2019 04:55 AM

    Thanks for the answer. I have never got to this one so far

    However I wonder if there is the possibility to do it in Batch mode. I have more than 100 switches to modify.



  • 4.  RE: How to set https in "Open Web NMS" application

    Posted Jul 16, 2019 02:35 PM

    Under Resource > Batch Operations, unfortunately no - almost everything but Web Manager.: Telnet SSH snmp login -  

    That needs to be an added feature. I suspect the reason its not supported is that this info is stored in another table from the regular access info above.

    However if you feel up to some DB surgery., you can add to the table that stores the web manager access.

    ** make a backup first of course **

    This is for MySQL but I suspect the MS SQL DBs & tables are named the same. The MySQL workbench tool is very handy for this kind of stuff BTW

    The config_DB has the device information in the tbl_dev, which includes the field for dev_ip with the key dev_id.

    get the dev_ids for the devices you need from here.

    Go to the table tbl_dev_extendedinfo and insert new rows with the dev_ids and other fields you want populated:

    dev_id, dev_web_access_protocol, dev_web_access_port, url