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  • 1.  How to setting VLAN on 1910-48G Switch (JE009A)

    Posted Jun 08, 2012 12:18 AM

    HELO all,


    i really need help on this problem..   i need setting vlan becouse my pc will be over more than 200 ++ include server.

    my question is :

    -how to setting vlan ?

    -how to make block A and block B can see in network and share file .

    -how to make  block A and Block B  can access  server A,B,C,D



    i attach my network diagram





    P.S. This thread has been moved from Switches, Hubs, Modems (Legacy ITRC forum) to Web and Unmanaged. - HP Forums Moderator


  • 2.  RE: How to setting VLAN on 1910-48G Switch (JE009A)

    Posted Jun 08, 2012 04:02 AM

    How do you want to split your network ?


    Block A is a vlan and block B another ?


    Is there a vlan for the servers ? the printers ? others ?


    In your diagram Block A use the same subnet as Servers, is it normal for you ?


    With this switches you must create static routes to allow a network to connect to another.

  • 3.  RE: How to setting VLAN on 1910-48G Switch (JE009A)

    Posted Jun 10, 2012 09:27 PM

    @Ck1000 wrote:

    How do you want to split your network ?

     - i wan 192.168.0.** and 192.168.1.** can linked each other (can see in network share )

    Block A is a vlan and block B another ?


    Is there a vlan for the servers ? the printers ? others ?

    Block A  and B  have network printer 


    In your diagram Block A use the same subnet as Servers, is it normal for you ?

     ya all printer n server using same subnet

    other forum give suggestion  to change subnet to then both ip can see each other .. its that true ?

    With this switches you must create static routes to allow a network to connect to another.

    have manual guide for this switch ?