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  • 1.  HP 5500 EI IRF Stack

    Posted Aug 28, 2023 02:27 PM


    I recently acquired two HP 5500 El switches for my lab environment and would like to stack them.

    I have learned that there are no dedicated stack ports for these switches and that I need a stack module and CX4 cables to stack them.

    How many CX4 cables do I need to stack these switches, and how should I connect the wires?

    Please also share documents describing the topology for two switches, if available.

    Thank you.

  • 2.  RE: HP 5500 EI IRF Stack

    Posted Sep 01, 2023 03:58 AM
    Edited by frmeunier Sep 01, 2023 04:05 AM

    Hi Perton

    You only need 1 stack cable.for a 2-members stack

    More cables -> more backplane capacity (and a little more resiliency !)

    Follow the procedure "Setting up an IRF fabric" in "HP A5500 EI & A5500 SI Switch Series Installation Guide "

    Personnaly, I always connect "ports1" of one stack member  to "ports 2" of the next member in the stack. (like a ring topology ) That leads to a repeatable, symmetric configuration.

    Frederic MEUNIER