Wireless Access

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  • 1.  HP 560 WW HP 870 provisioning issue

    Posted Jan 18, 2016 11:31 AM


    I have an hp 870.  If I connect a brand new hp 560 ww ap to the controller.  It works fine.  It downloads the latest software and all is well.

    If I take a HP 560 ww that was previously connected to a MSM 760, and attempt to connect it to the HP 870 - nothing happens.  The msm760 and the 870 are on separate networks.  I have Reset the aps etc.  Syslog comes up with nothing.

    I cannot get these 560 ww aps to connect to the new controller.  Any ideas.  I cannot find anything useful on this subject.  It should work without extra configuration I am told.



  • 2.  RE: HP 560 WW HP 870 provisioning issue

    Posted Jan 19, 2016 07:23 AM

    After experimenting, I found that if I downgraded the HP560 WW startup.cim from v6.6 to v6.5 using TFTP then it worked with the HP 870.

    Unfortunately we have 250 of these aps, it would be time consuming and involve a lot of downtime.  Is this the only solution or is there a faster way?

    Is firmware 6.6 a recognised problem with the HP 870?



  • 3.  RE: HP 560 WW HP 870 provisioning issue

    Posted Jan 26, 2016 09:42 AM

    Hi, what is the controller version on HP870 controller?  You shouldnt really need to do tftp procedure for each APs.

    Try using the DHCP option 43 to specify the HP870 controller ip address in your DHCP scope.  Attached is a simplified tool to create option 43 ASCII code for respective controller IP address.  Extract and open the "option43tool2.exe" from your command prompt, Once you key in the controller ip address it will generate ASCII character equivalent in two variant one for MSM and another for Unified.

    Use the MSM variant of the ASCII character to set in your DHCP scope. 

    This should help the MSM APs to find the HP870 controllers.

  • 4.  RE: HP 560 WW HP 870 provisioning issue

    Posted Feb 02, 2016 06:12 AM

    Thanks for the input.

    I found that the provisioning does not work on the latest MSM firmware.  I downgraded the firmware to version 6.5 and the controller could see the 560s with no problems and they convert OK

    I will save the tool for future use. :)