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HP A5500 EI Console terminal Access via Cisco 2811 router

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  • 1.  HP A5500 EI Console terminal Access via Cisco 2811 router

    Posted Mar 15, 2016 11:36 AM


    I am trying to setup access on the console port of HP A5500 switch from a Cisco 2811 router terminal line.
    The switch is connected on line 1/21 of the router. 

    line configuration on the cisco router is as follows:

    line 1/21
    no history
    no editing
    transport preferred none
    transport input telnet
    transport output none
    stopbits 1

    bmmebb0rt02#show line 1/21
       Tty Line Typ     Tx/Rx    A Modem  Roty AccO AccI  Uses  Noise Overruns  Int
       1/21   87 TTY   9600/9600  -    -      -    -    -    55      0    0/0      -
    Line 1/21, Location: "", Type: ""
    Length: 24 lines, Width: 80 columns
    Baud rate (TX/RX) is 9600/9600, no parity, 1 stopbits, 8 databits
    Status: Ready
    Capabilities: none
    Modem state: Ready
    Modem hardware state: noCTS noDSR  DTR RTS
    Special Chars: Escape  Hold  Stop  Start  Disconnect  Activation
                    ^^x    none   -     -       none
    Timeouts:      Idle EXEC    Idle Session   Modem Answer  Session   Dispatch
                   00:10:00        never                        none     not set
                                Idle Session Disconnect Warning
                                Login-sequence User Response
                                Autoselect Initial Wait
                                  not set
    Modem type is unknown.
    Session limit is not set.
    Time since activation: never
    Editing is enabled.
    History is enabled, history size is 20.
    DNS resolution in show commands is enabled
    Full user help is disabled
    Allowed input transports are telnet.
    Allowed output transports are none.
    Preferred transport is none.
    No output characters are padded
    No special data dispatching characters

    Access to the console is through a menu created on the router.

    ip host bmmemm1sw01-console 2087

    menu solution text 19 "(bmmemm1sw01-console HP A5500)"
    menu solution command 19 resume bmmemm1sw01-console /connect telnet bmmemm1sw01-console


    The HP A5500 switch configuration is as below:

    <bmmemm1sw01>display current-configuration
     version 5.20.99, Release 2221P05
     sysname bmmemm1sw01
     super password level 3 cipher $c$3$hKAAqeDpvwDFJYNIIElRhMDfSOlcw=
     undo copyright-info enable
     irf mac-address persistent timer
     irf auto-update enable
     undo irf link-delay
     domain default enable system
     telnet server enable
     lacp system-priority 8192
     link-aggregation load-sharing mode destination-ip source-ip
     password-recovery enable
    vlan 1
    vlan 6
     description Uplink
    vlan 8
     name Sigtran1
    vlan 9
     name Sigtran2
    vlan 16
     name traffic
    vlan 921
     name OAM
    vlan 1205
     description sigtran1 uplink to BM0NX701
    radius scheme system
     primary authentication 1645
     primary accounting 1646
     user-name-format without-domain
    domain system
     access-limit disable
     state active
     idle-cut disable
     self-service-url disable
    user-group system
     group-attribute allow-guest
    local-user admin
     password cipher $c$3$BCqgdRwxTIFoRCdiKWurYclihGVk3A=
     authorization-attribute level 1
     service-type ssh terminal
     stp mode pvst
     stp pathcost-standard dot1t
     stp vlan 1205 root secondary
     stp vlan 8 to 9 16 root primary
     stp enable
    interface Bridge-Aggregation1
     description "link to bmmemm1sw02"
     port link-type trunk
     undo port trunk permit vlan 1
     port trunk permit vlan 8 to 9 16
    interface Bridge-Aggregation2
     description bmmemm1sw01_p1,P2,P3,P4 to bmmeen3sw03_P19,20,21,22 enclosure traffic switch"
     port link-type trunk
     undo port trunk permit vlan 1
     port trunk permit vlan 8 to 9 16
     link-aggregation mode dynamic
    interface Bridge-Aggregation3
     description bmmemm1sw01_P5,P6,P7,P8 bmmemm1b01-P1.1,P1.2,P1.3,P1.4 F5
     link-aggregation mode dynamic
    interface Bridge-Aggregation4
     description Uplink ports Gi1/0/21,Gi1/0/22,Gi1/0/23,Gi1/0/24 to bm0osr03
     port access vlan 6
     link-aggregation mode dynamic
     stp disable
     stp edged-port enable
    interface NULL0
    #VLAN configuration removed for posting on internet
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
     port link-mode bridge
     description "bmmeen3sw03_P19 enclosure traffic switch"
     port link-type trunk
     undo port trunk permit vlan 1
     port trunk permit vlan 8 to 9 16
     port link-aggregation group 2
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
     port link-mode bridge
     description "bmmeen3sw03_P20 enclosure traffic switch"
     port link-type trunk
     undo port trunk permit vlan 1
     port trunk permit vlan 8 to 9 16
     port link-aggregation group 2
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3
     port link-mode bridge
     description "bmmeen3sw03_P21 enclosure traffic switch"
     port link-type trunk
     undo port trunk permit vlan 1
     port trunk permit vlan 8 to 9 16
     port link-aggregation group 2
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4
     port link-mode bridge
     description "bmmeen3sw03_P22 enclosure traffic switch"
     port link-type trunk
     undo port trunk permit vlan 1
     port trunk permit vlan 8 to 9 16
     port link-aggregation group 2
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5
     port link-mode bridge
     description "Bridge1 to F5 bmmemm1b01-P1.1"
     port access vlan 16
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/6
     port link-mode bridge
     description "Bridge1 to F5 bmmemm1b01-P1.2"
     port access vlan 16
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7
     port link-mode bridge
     description Bridge1 to F5 bmmemm1b01-P1.3
     port access vlan 16
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/8
     port link-mode bridge
     description Bridge1 to F5 bmmemm1b01-P1.4
     port access vlan 16
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/9
     port link-mode bridge
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/10
     port link-mode bridge
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/11
     port link-mode bridge
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/12
     port link-mode bridge
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/13
     port link-mode bridge
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/14
     port link-mode bridge
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/15
     port link-mode bridge
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/16
     port link-mode bridge
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/17
     port link-mode bridge
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/18
     port link-mode bridge
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/19
     port link-mode bridge
     description SIGTRAN to ZSR701Fex101/19
     port access vlan 1205
     stp disable
     stp edged-port enable
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/20
     port link-mode bridge
     description "OAM to bmmeen3sw02_p20 encl cisco 3020"
     port access vlan 921
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/21
     port link-mode bridge
     description BridgeGRP_4_to_OSR_3_p8
     port access vlan 6
     stp edged-port enable
     port link-aggregation group 4
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/22
     port link-mode bridge
     description BridgeGRP_4_to_OSR_3_p11
     port access vlan 6
     stp edged-port enable
     port link-aggregation group 4
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/23
     port link-mode bridge
     description BridgeGRP_4_to_OSR_3_p12
     port access vlan 6
     stp edged-port enable
     port link-aggregation group 4
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/24
     port link-mode bridge
     description BridgeGRP_4_to_OSR_3_p14
     port access vlan 6
     stp edged-port enable
     port link-aggregation group 4
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/25
     port link-mode bridge
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/26
     port link-mode bridge
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/27
     port link-mode bridge
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/28
     port link-mode bridge
    interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/1/1
     port link-mode bridge
     description "bmmemm1sw02 port interface Ten-GigabitEthernet2/2/1 HP A5500 Trunk"
     port link-type trunk
     undo port trunk permit vlan 1
     port trunk permit vlan 8 to 9 16
     port link-aggregation group 1
    interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/1/2
     port link-mode bridge
    interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/2/1
     port link-mode bridge
     description "bmmemm1sw02 port interface Ten-GigabitEthernet2/1/1 HP A5500 Trunk"
     port link-type trunk
     undo port trunk permit vlan 1
     port trunk permit vlan 8 to 9 16
     port link-aggregation group 1
    interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/2/2
     port link-mode bridge
     ### Routes removed for posting
     ip route-static
     snmp-agent local-engineid 800063A203CC3E5F1E1039
     snmp-agent community read Uh1RjWY9
     snmp-agent sys-info version all
     snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname ProdHg3835027rewroew
     snmp-agent trap enable default-route
     header motd %
     *                       *
     *           bmmemm1sw01            *
     *        BB2.1 HPA5500-VRRF        *
    *        VM Cabinet 2, U40         *
     *                                  *
    --- Unauthorised access prohibited ---
    This is a closed-access system. If you do not have permission
    to access this system, then log off now. If you remain logged on
    you consent to monitoring of your actions.
     ntp-service unicast-server
     ntp-service unicast-peer priority
     ntp-service unicast-peer
     ssh server enable
     ssh user admin service-type stelnet authentication-type password
     load xml-configuration
     load tr069-configuration
    user-interface aux 0
     authentication-mode scheme
    user-interface vty 0 15
     authentication-mode scheme

    When i connect to the router; the menu opens up. I choose Menu option 19. Once i do that there is no output at all on terminal even after pressing Enter key. 

    Using username "admin".
    Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
     *                                  *
     *            bmmebb0rt02            *
     *             BB 2811              *
     *          Cabinet 2, U42          *
     *                                  *
    --- Unauthorised access prohibited ---
    This is a closed-access system. If you do not have permission
    to access this system, then log off now. If you remain logged on
    you consent to monitoring of your actions.
                          MAIN MENU
        1          "bmmeen2sw01 (bmmeen2sw01-Console)"
        2          "bmmeen2sw02 (bmmeen2sw02-Console)"
        3          "bmmeen2sw03 (bmmeen2sw03-Console)"
        4          "bmmeen2sw04 (bmmeen2sw04-Console)"
        5          "bmmeen2sw05 (bmmeen2sw05-Console)"
        6          "bmmeen2sw06 (bmmeen2sw06-Console)"
        7          "bmmeen2mn01 (bmmeen2mn01-Console)"
        8          "bmmeen2mn02 (bmmeen2mn02-Console)"
        9          "bmmeen3sw01 (bmmeen3sw01-Console)"
        10         "bmmeen3sw02 (bmmeen3sw02-Console)"
        11         "bmmeen3sw03 (bmmeen3sw03-Console)"
        12         "bmmeen3sw04 (bmmeen3sw04-Console)"
        13         "bmmeen3sw05 (bmmeen3sw05-Console)"
        14         "bmmeen3sw06 (bmmeen3sw06-Console)"
        15         "bmmeen3mn01 (bmmeen3mn01-Console)"
        16         "bmmeen3mn02 (bmmeen3mn02-Console)"
        17         "bmmebb0lb02 (bmmebb0lb02-Console F5)"
        18         "bmmebb0lb01 (bmmebb0lb01-Console F5)"
        19         "(bmmemm1sw01-console HP A5500)"
        20         "(bmmemm1sw02-console HP A5500)"
        x          Exit
    Please enter your selection:19
    Trying bmmemm1sw01-console (, 2087)... Open
     *                                  *
     *           bmmebb0rt02            *
     *             BB 2811              *
     *          Cabinet 2, U42          *
     *                                  *
    --- Unauthorised access prohibited ---
    This is a closed-access system. If you do not have permission
    to access this system, then log off now. If you remain logged on
    you consent to monitoring of your actions.

    I have tried multiple configuration changes with the little undestanding i have about the switch and router.
    Please help me in identifying what i am doing incorrect in the configuration and how i can troubleshoot this issue.

  • 2.  RE: HP A5500 EI Console terminal Access via Cisco 2811 router

    Posted Mar 15, 2016 12:16 PM


    You should use the blue console cable that ships with every HPE switch and then use adapters, null-modem or gender-changers as needed, to adapt the DB9 end to the type of connector that the Cisco requires.



  • 3.  RE: HP A5500 EI Console terminal Access via Cisco 2811 router

    Posted Mar 15, 2016 12:57 PM

    The cables are correctly in place. 

    Please check if the configuration is correct.