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  • 1.  HP Aruba 2930M - Cannot access web GUI

    Posted May 14, 2021 04:43 AM


    I`m new to HP switches and beginner with networking, but I know basic information, but not so familiar with practical knowledge. 

    My problem is that I cannot enter switch web GUI  via browser (Firefox, Edge or anything). I have done next configurations.

    - Assigned IP address for VLAN 1 and checked that all ports belong to this VLAN. (Could not access)

    - Also I defined that VLAN 1 is management VLAN. (Did not help either)

    - Someone said that that manager and operator cannot have same passwords, so I changed those too. 

    - Also problem is that I cannot ping switch.

    I have changed my PC`s IP address to same subnet that I have assigned for Aruba 2930M and I´m connected directly to that switch via ethernet and console. Console works fine.

    I have read this manual for management: https://support.hpe.com/hpesc/public/docDisplay?docId=emr_na-a00018877en_us

    And also try to search answer from Aruba 2930F/2930M Management and Configuration Guide for ArubaOS Switch 16.05.

    Just to be clear. This is just one switch and is not part of big network. I would like to enter web GUI and gain access to it with IP address. 

    Sincerely Jarno



  • 2.  RE: HP Aruba 2930M - Cannot access web GUI

    Posted May 14, 2021 05:56 AM


    I believe you have untagged the port from vlan 1 which are conencting to PC.

    Suppose Port 2 is conencting to PC:

    then configure like this:

    vlan 1

    ip add <I believe you have already given>

    untagged 2


    On PC, give  gateway IP address as switch default IP.
