Network Management

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  • 1.  HPE IMC 7.3 E0605P06 Syslog messages disappearing

    Posted Jan 11, 2019 03:38 AM

    Hello all,

    I activated syslogging (warning level only) feature on some Aruba 2540 and 2530 switches (running ArubaOS-Switch 16.08.0001) in order to let our HPE IMC to receive warning log works and warning syslogs are received...the issue is that - randomly - syslog messages disappear (so they didn't accumulate).

    Despite my HPE IMC 7.3 is running on CentOS+MySQL environment I checked and this known issue (which look very similar even if the cited IMC was 7.1) but my IMC hasn't that error reported.

    Any idea?


  • 2.  RE: HPE IMC 7.3 E0605P06 Syslog messages disappearing

    Posted Jan 12, 2019 08:11 AM
    Would the issue I'm experiencing just related to this ( configuration?

  • 3.  RE: HPE IMC 7.3 E0605P06 Syslog messages disappearing

    Posted Jan 14, 2019 03:07 AM

    Yes...that was the culprit.

    It's pretty much strange that default is set to "Last hour" only.

    How then to set default "Receive time" value to another possible value instead of just changing it as needed?

    As example I set "Receive time" to "Last 7 Days" and then I select "Query" to see all logged syslogs for selected timeframe...I obtain a response which is just to set it definitely to "Last 7 Days"?


  • 4.  RE: HPE IMC 7.3 E0605P06 Syslog messages disappearing

    Posted Jan 07, 2020 09:18 AM


    The link you have posted is only for employees. Is this information public? (where can I have a look at it?)

    I have something that might be simular, I have updated to 7.3 (just updated to 7.3 E07P02) And the server receives syslog messages, but I don't see them in IMC.  I checked and port 514 UDP is listening and rebooting/restarting server or services doesn't help.

    I don't know where to look for solution or for debugging info...

    Hope you can help me.



  • 5.  RE: HPE IMC 7.3 E0605P06 Syslog messages disappearing

    Posted Jan 08, 2020 02:32 AM

    Aarghh... I found my problem... feel stupid now

    it was the local firewall at the server.

    What put me off track was a wireshark capture that showed me all the traffic. Apparantly this capture is done before the local firewall drops the packets... A good lesson to remember

