Hi all!
Reading the latest Release Notes of HPE IMC 7.3 E0706 Patch 11 (E0706P11) released few days ago I notice the lack of any support reference about a quite common deployment scenario involving these days:
As underlying Virtualization technology to host the HPE IMC VM:
- VMware ESXi 7.0
As the Guest OS to host the HPE IMC Platform application:
- Rocky Linux 8
While I still see reported references about some older VMware ESXi versions that are basically out-of-support (I'm referring specifically to 5.5, 6.0 and 6.5) and about older CentOS Linux 7.x (not necessarily the 7.9- 2009 but the older 7.3 - 7.8 lines), it seems that there is no updated references about VMware ESXi 7.0 and newer CentOS Stream 8 and/or 9.
Is this lack due to HPE IMC Release Notes not being fully updated about "Server Requirements" or due to the fact that HPE IMC application isn't (and will not be) supported on these newer environments?
My question above arises when a new HPE IMC deployment is going to be planned and a fresh new infrastructure is available (indeed with VMware ESXi 7.0 and considering to adopt a newer Linux based Guest OS [*]).
I'm more worrying about the Linux Guest OS choice than the Hypervisor...and I see a thinning about the available choices of supported Linux Guest OSes if we take into the picture the Guest OS lifecycle.
I don't consider feasible to ask for support on CentOS Stream 8 (and/or 9) because EoS dates are too near (June 2024 for CentOS Stream 8!).
It would be nice to see the current alternative Rocky Linux 8 - as the
rebuild of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 - as supported...especially considering that Rocky Linux 8's support will end in 2029.
Also seeing the introduction of SLES 15 as a supported Guest OS for the HPE IMC Platform would be a very nice addition...but, at present time, it seems really out-of-question looking at RN.
Microsoft OS is out-of-question specifically for this new deployment and my previous experience with HPE IMC was with CentOS 7.9-2009 was very good (is really good).
[*] Speaking about CentOS Linux 7 we can't forget that its support is going to end 30-06-2024 after 10 Years since its first introduction in 2014.
Davide Poletto