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HPE SDN application Network visualizer and non HPE SDN controllers

This thread has been viewed 1 times
  • 1.  HPE SDN application Network visualizer and non HPE SDN controllers

    Posted Mar 01, 2020 01:51 AM

    Hi everybody,

    Since HPE SDN application Network visualizer is based on REST APIS, therefore it should be able to work work with any SDN Controllers which use REST APIS on its south bound interfaces.  For example, HPE Network visulaizer and Contrail . 

    Am i right or missing something?

    Thanks and have a good weekend!


  • 2.  RE: HPE SDN application Network visualizer and non HPE SDN controllers

    Posted Mar 03, 2020 12:34 AM

    Conceptually the HPE Visualizer application would be able to run on any SDN controller, but I think there are several components of the HPE VAN SDN controller that HPE Visualizer relies upon. A few that come to mind are the distributed storage/database and the mechanism for receiving packet-in messages. These could certainly be adapted to another controller, but it would not be plug-and-play with the existing executable.