Hi there,
I have a multi-purpose area about the size of a basketball court that requires wifi coverage. The area can be used for a number of different activities, for example, sport (as a basketball court), community meeting (~200 people with dinner tables and chairs setup) or performance arts (~600 seated people).
I read through and understand a few of the VRD documents for VHD 802.11ac network.
Planning to use AP225s and the question is: overhead or side coverage?
The height of this multi-purpose area is about 6m (20ft). On the ceiling, there are 2 humongous fans which are very common nowadays in gym or warehouse facilities. http://mhlnews.com/facilities-management/green-breeze
I'm concerned about the metal blades (not sure what type of metal) would severely inhibit RF performance or not. In particular if the AP225s are placed on the ceiling, that means, the fans (no matter turning at high or low speed) will be like a sheet of metal between the people and the APs.
Does anyone have experience with these humongous fans at all?
Thanks in advance.