Controllerless Networks

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  • 1.  IAP-205 client doesn't connect

    Posted May 08, 2017 06:44 AM
      |   view attached

    Hello all!

    I have two new IAP-205, one works fine, but the second one has an issue. Wireless clients cannot connect. What should be the reason?

    Software version

     RSI attached.

    Here is logs:


    b4:5d:50:ca:77:1c# show log kernel

    ay 8 09:38:17 2017:411 168347.082047 Client Match: no vbr to delete 44:00:10:66:cd:a7
    [168366.812000] wl0: wlc_recvfilter: scb is null, dont resend deauth
    [168367.234000] Mon May 8 09:38:17 2017:412 168347.505181 Client Match: wifi1: client count error
    [168367.234000] Mon May 8 09:38:17 2017:413 168347.505226 Client Match: no vbr to delete 44:00:10:66:cd:a7
    [168377.064000] Mon May 8 09:38:27 2017:414 168357.334814 anul_wids_update_cpu: Priority traffic has STOPPED
    [168377.594000] Mon May 8 09:38:27 2017:415 168357.865018 anul_wids_update_cpu: Priority traffic has STOPPED
    [168399.124000] wl1: wlc_recvfilter: scb is null, dont resend deauth
    [168461.678000] wl1: wlc_recvfilter: scb is null, dont resend deauth
    [168463.000000] wl0: wlc_recvfilter: scb is null, dont resend deauth
    [168497.796000] wl1: wlc_recvfilter: scb is null, dont resend deauth
    [168537.246000] Mon May 8 09:41:07 2017:416 168517.516209 Client Match: wifi1: client count error
    [168537.246000] Mon May 8 09:41:07 2017:417 168517.516255 Client Match: no vbr to delete 44:00:10:66:cd:a7
    [168537.268000] wl1: wlc_recvfilter: scb is null, dont resend deauth
    [168537.840000] Mon May 8 09:41:08 2017:418 168518.110882 anul_prio_traffic_set_time: Priority traffic has STARTED
    [168537.852000] Mon May 8 09:41:08 2017:419 168518.122471 Client Match: wifi1: client count error
    [168537.852000] Mon May 8 09:41:08 2017:420 168518.122516 Client Match: no vbr to delete 44:00:10:66:cd:a7
    [168544.090000] wl0: 1 rx fifo 0 overflows!
    [168547.934000] Mon May 8 09:41:18 2017:421 168528.204932 anul_wids_update_cpu: Priority traffic has STOPPED
    [168591.258000] Mon May 8 09:42:01 2017:422 168571.528128 Client Match: wifi1: client count error
    [168591.258000] Mon May 8 09:42:01 2017:423 168571.528174 Client Match: no vbr to delete 44:00:10:66:cd:a7
    [168591.272000] wl1: wlc_recvfilter: scb is null, dont resend deauth
    [168594.972000] Mon May 8 09:42:05 2017:424 168575.243604 anul_prio_traffic_set_time: Priority traffic has STARTED
    [168594.980000] wl1: wlc_recv_mgmt_ctl: unhandled frametype (fk 0xd4)
    [168594.986000] Mon May 8 09:42:05 2017:425 168575.257250 Client Match: wifi1: client count error
    [168594.986000] Mon May 8 09:42:05 2017:426 168575.257294 Client Match: no vbr to delete 44:00:10:66:cd:a7
    [168594.992000] wl1: wlc_recvfilter: scb is null, dont resend deauth
    [168594.996000] wl1: wlc_recvfilter: scb is null, dont resend deauth
    [168595.000000] wl1: wlc_recvfilter: scb is null, dont resend deauth
    [168605.048000] Mon May 8 09:42:15 2017:427 168585.318948 anul_wids_update_cpu: Priority traffic has STOPPED
    [168611.226000] stats > 100: ccastats_us: 76158, acc->statss_ms: 76
    [168679.526000] stats > 100: ccastats_us: 76149, acc->statss_ms: 76
    [168698.318000] wl1: wlc_recvfilter: scb is null, dont resend deauth
    [168870.436000] wl1: wlc_recvfilter: scb is null, dont resend deauth
    [168873.080000] stats > 100: ccastats_us: 22131, acc->statss_ms: 22
    [168886.728000] wl1: wlc_recvfilter: scb is null, dont resend deauth
    [168886.852000] wl1: wlc_recvfilter: scb is null, dont resend deauth
    [168886.978000] wl1: wlc_recvfilter: scb is null, dont resend deauth




    rsi.txt   243 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: IAP-205 client doesn't connect

    Posted May 08, 2017 07:03 AM

    Do you have all client VLANs trunked to that IAP?

    If you are using radius, do you have Dynamic Radius Proxy enabled?

  • 3.  RE: IAP-205 client doesn't connect

    Posted Dec 07, 2017 03:37 AM
      |   view attached

    Hi Support Team:

                             I meet same issue like this.The situation was not connected to iap205 when users number over 30.

    That was happend 2 days ago that have a lot customer visit.


    This site have two IAP205 and a radius server on lan.

    DHCP server own class c ip to assignment.

    Because radius server only charge for employee user authentication.

    Do i enable the dynamic radius proxy?


    Please refer attached file of dump.



    dump.txt   2.03 MB 1 version