Wireless Access

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  • 1.  IAP 225, vc, and airwave upgrades

    Posted Dec 28, 2017 06:00 PM

    I'm poking around trying to learn aruba on the ground running. if I'm missing a pool of documentation that'll help please point me there vs answering the questions.


    I'm trying to figure out why two clients ( apple tv and iphone ) can ping but not allowing remote app to connect. so I'm having to dig into what is setup on the hardware and learn how to troubleshoot traffic.

    We have several IAP 225 with a virtual controller and an air wave vm. 

    How does the vc and aw relate to each other and the IAPs? 


    The airwave is in monitor mode, what does that mean? 


    Can I  upgrade the air wave vm to AMP


    Looks like I can go to on the IAP 225, should I ? 


    does the virtual controller have firmware? it looks like it's running on one IAP. . . 

  • 2.  RE: IAP 225, vc, and airwave upgrades
    Best Answer

    Posted Dec 28, 2017 08:41 PM

    @OFSIT wrote:

    I'm poking around trying to learn aruba on the ground running. if I'm missing a pool of documentation that'll help please point me there vs answering the questions.


    I'm trying to figure out why two clients ( apple tv and iphone ) can ping but not allowing remote app to connect. so I'm having to dig into what is setup on the hardware and learn how to troubleshoot traffic.  Turn off Airgroup:
    config t



    commit apply

    We have several IAP 225 with a virtual controller and an air wave vm. 

    How does the vc and aw relate to each other and the IAPs? 

     The VC is typically the first IAP on a subnet.  When IAPs are booted up in the same subnet as the VC, they attempt to upgrade/downgrade to that VC's version of code and join the cluster.  Airwave can be used either to monitor an IAP cluster or manage it, where you would have to configure the cluster from Airwave.

    The airwave is in monitor mode, what does that mean? 

     It means you are monitoring the VC/cluster but not configuring it through Airwave.

    Can I  upgrade the air wave vm to AMP

     Yes.  You have to download the upgrade from the support site, upload it to Airwave's /root folder and run the amp_upgrade command from the commandline of Airwave.

    Looks like I can go to on the IAP 225, should I ? 

     There is no on Instant.  It is only on the hardware controller.

    does the virtual controller have firmware? it looks like it's running on one IAP. . . The Virtual Controller is running firmware.  Any other IAP that joins the cluster would download its version of firmware frohttp://community.arubanetworks.com/t5/Validated-Reference-Design/Aruba-Instant-Validated-Reference-Design/ta-p/258782m the cloud.

    Please take a look at the Instant Validated Reference Design Guide Here:  http://community.arubanetworks.com/t5/Validated-Reference-Design/Aruba-Instant-Validated-Reference-Design/ta-p/258782